Raise The Curtain

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Good Afternoon/Evening everyone! Welcome back to Greystone!

Every day I write some thoughts about camp. My intent is to help you better understand this wonderful camp (which is going to mean a great deal to your girls). This can be helpful because camp is a little difficult to “get” at first (lots of simple things are big deals in our little bubble) so I provide my perspective.

I LOVE every minute of every day at camp and my delight is greater if I take a moment to write it down. By “explaining” it to outsiders, I appreciate camp more myself… does that make sense?

In any event, I hope you will use the blog to flesh out your letters, emails, and eventually your conversations with your girls. Your understanding of camp will give you credibility, facilitating some great conversations later on in the year.

Camp is an amazing experience that builds lifelong friendships and confident character that will pay dividends years after banquet day. At camp we unplug, unwind, and bask in the warmth and comfort of a community living in love. It is a GOOD place to be.

Take a moment to think about what a great experience this is going to be for your girls… They will enjoy playing silly games, dancing, zumba, yoga, and diving, shooting guns and arrows, making amazing art, riding horses, and about 50 other things every day! They will eat amazing food that is cooked from scratch with the best ingredients possible. They will be well loved by amazing counselors whose deepest desire is to represent the love of Jesus in a tangible way. They will enjoy conversations with girls much older and much younger than themselves (where else can a 10 year old have a good talk with a 17 year old?). They will dance with abandon and laugh without thinking. They will not worry about the world, every day will be consumed by the many details of camp. I am SO EXCITED for them!

Today we raised the curtain on our best summer ever… We finished scheduling earlier than ever (at noon!), your girls will be sending you a letter with the details. We ate a wonderful buffet lunch (the smoked turkey is something I dream about in the cold of winter). We had our first Rest Hour (what a glorious tradition… the whole world should have rest hour every day!). We will soon have our first Assembly (the girls are welcomed to the pavilion with a “royal reception” line of counselors cheering… it always makes me tear up to see it) and will then have a relaxed afternoon of free activities and “hanging out” (the favorite activity of these Main Campers). Tonight we will eat our traditional opening meal of spaghetti and enjoy the traditional program skits for EP. It is going to be a GREAT DAY!

These campers LOVE camp. At this moment my window is open and I can clearly hear the happy sounds of the campers in the distance. There is a very large group singing camp songs (by the sound of it I would guess about 50) and the see saws are filled with teenagers playing like they are ten years old. It is clear that this is going to be a great session.

Thank you for reading the blog (not all of our parents take the time to do so). Your love of camp is deeply appreciated and we are grateful for the community that you made possible this year.

This is going to be fun!

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