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Why is camp such a great experience?

I think the answer is “magic”. A miraculous combination of simple ingredients that combine over time to deeply impact the community.

This is our 97th summer and I can humbly admit that we don’t exactly know why camp is so great. It comes down to a thousand little details that combine in the pessure cooker of an intensely loving group of people living together for a long time under the influence of a lot of love.

Part of the magic happened last night during the Tentalow Lip Synch EP. The girls performed to an adoring audience of almost 700 cheering campers and counselors (the loudest cheers coming from the Senior group). There is something about this EP that works wonders for cabin groups bonding together. When they run off the stage after a successful act (doubled over in laughter and excitedly talking with each other) it is clear that the cabin has reached a new level of relationship. They have worked together and succeeded beyond expectations… magic indeed!

We have perfect weather for the next 5 days or so (highs in the 80’s, sunny, chance of afternoon storms). The girls cheered for the sun at Breakfast!

Guess what we had for breakfast? Eggs Benedict! Cracking 800 eggs, perfectly poaching them (the yolks were still soft)… it was a hard morning for the Kitchen who got a big shout out this morning. The fruit bar was amazing too (didn’t run out of anything, including raspberries!). Lunch: BLT’s!!!!!! Dinner: Baked Chicken and Rice Pilaf!

On the world front one of our Greystone Girls made the Olympic Swimming team yesterday!. Rachel Baker and her sister Kathleen are both big Greystone girls. Rachel came the whole way through and returned as a counselor. We watched Kathleen qualifying race 4 years ago (didn’t make the team) and were very proud to hear that she finally reached her Olympic goal in the 100 Backstroke yesterday. We are SO PROUD of her and celebrate this moment for the entire family!