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The culmination of the fall colors is always marked by my favorite holiday of all times… THANKSGIVING!

Thankfulness is in many ways the theme of camp every year. At camp we learn to take note of the many things that are good in life: the weather, the food, our friends, the people that do things for us, and the good news that God has given all mankind. As days and weeks pass, we gradually become more and more aware of how much we have to be grateful for and our hearts swell with the fullness of this awareness.

My last words to the campers are always spoken at the Morning Assembly on Banquet Day and the subject is always the same: Thankfulness. In Luke 17 Jesus heals ten lepers but only one returns to say thank you. We always assume that we would “be that guy” but if honest with ourselves we admit that we are seldom as thankful as we ought to be, it is an attitude that we need to improve in our life.

Thankfulness is the attitude that naturally arises when living out “The Spirit of Greystone” (unselfishness). When we focus on others and notice what they do for us (not only kind acts, but the way they make us smile or make us feel loved), we feel genuine gratitude toward that person. We even feel grateful for our healthy bodies, warm houses, safe country, and a world that provides beautiful sunsets every evening.

It is fitting that we reflect on this theme as we anticipate gathering together with friends and family for our national holiday of Thanksgiving. It is a day set apart to feast and celebrate the many blessings of life, and it is my favorite holiday! The aroma of baking pies, roasting turkey, and savory casseroles… that silly Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade playing on the TV… a roaring fire crackling as we scurry about sweeping floors and setting tables. JOY!

Just before we eat the family gathers by the fire to give each person, from young to old, has a chance to say what he or she is most thankful for.There are many expected responses (family, pets, health, work) and some that are not as expected (young children are really good at surprising the group). All are blessed by the words and sentiments, it is always good to be thankful… and that is why my final talk to the campers is on this subject.

So enjoy your feast and soak up the blessings of the holidays, being genuinely thankful each and every day!