Dr. Margaret's Friday Five

So I am told that it is my turn to do the Friday Five…but how can I pick just FIVE things to talk about????

I looked back at how Catherine first introduced this series and she said that every Friday, one of the year-round staff would be sharing 5 things they are loving at the moment!…Well…that part is easy…MY CHILDREN! I cannot think of 5 of anything that I am loving any more at this moment or any moment!

It is such fun to be their Mama! Watching them grow and become the unique people that God has made them to be has been the most amazing adventure! A true joy and blessing! And I am so thankful.

  • Quiet Time (at my bay window with dogs on the window seat!) As much as I love the summer and having the camp full of campers and staff…I must admit that it is hard to have a real quiet time during those busy days. I am so excited to be back at my desk early every morning surrounded by my Bible and favorite devotional books. And when Jimboy and Catherine occasionally let me “dog sit,” Meme, Murray, and Ben like to keep me company while waiting for their “real” owners to return!
  • My new Greystone leggings and tank top: I really love the new leggings and top that I got from the Greystone Staff store at the end of the summer…I don’t know why, but just putting them on makes me feel more fit (ha!), energized and ready for exercising. Thanks Sarah, these are great! Stumblers 2017…here I come!
  • Snapchat/Instagram/and Face-Time - I know…I am a middle-aged Mama and not supposed to be into this kind of technology…But I can’t tell you how much fun it has been to follow all my “chicks” as they have been scattered around the country and the world! James Franklin is in Colorado, Caroline is in Italy and John is in NYC! I love being able to face-time with them and follow all their adventures on Snapchat and Instagram! (and following Camp Greystone has been really fun too! You should try it if you aren’t already doing it!)
  • Ben Rector and Ellie Holcomb on Pandora (yes, Sarah, I listen to Pandora…so I guess I am old!) I have been enjoying the Ben Rector and Ellie Holcomb stations a lot since the summer. I love to listen to Ben Rector when I want something more upbeat and Ellie when I really need to hear some great, solid praise songs. (I love Andrew Peterson too!)
  • Weddings/Engagements and Marriage: Catherine’s engagement on the heels of our 25th wedding anniversary has been so much fun! We have pulled out wedding pictures from lots of family weddings and our wedding too of course! What fun to be focusing on the great blessing of marriage and to remember how thankful we are for our marriage while getting excited with Catherine about her upcoming one!
  • Our Porch in the afternoon….Oh wait…that’s six! Can it be the Saturday Six???? I am usually at least a day behind anyway… Just kidding…But I must admit that sitting on our porch in the afternoon and watching the light change on the mountain as the sun goes down is pretty special! And even more special when I can sit and watch it all with Jimboy by my side!!! (and of course, a dog or two as well!)