What A Wonderful Night

I was a “thespian” in high school. I LOVED performing in one act plays, musicals, and especially in the Senior Play. There is something magical about the experience: from the first audition to the final performance, something happens that bonds the cast and crew together. The work is intense, the nerves become raw, and the ultimate exhileration is real. Theater is wonderful and I am thrilled that we can provide such an experience at Greystone.

“Beauty and the Beast” was a wonderful show, it obviously delivered all the magic that a good production always promises. If you missed it, check it out on our Livefeed (http://www.campgreystone.com/live) where you can still watch the show for the rest of today. The evening provided a moment for the cast and crew success that will be celebrated for a lifetime! I know that some of those girls will never forget their moment when they “brought the house down”.

Highlights of the day include the new lighting system (each scene was pre lit and labeled on the digital board… as the “cue” arrived, the campers running the board were able to perfectly switch to the lighting needs); the new microphones (we were running 16 wireless microphones, but only 4 “nice” ones… we have decided to buy 8 more nice ones for next year and retire the “cheap” ones… worth it BIG TIME); the Cast (who knew lines perfectly and delivered an amazing show); and the Crew (Backdrops, props, costumes, makeup, and even the playbill were done very nicely). Finally, it rained during the performance (which cooled the air by 10 degrees but was a potential distraction overcome by the cast) and a big thunderclap happened at the end of the show (causing a little screem to erupt from the audience). Great fun and a wonderful night.

Today it is once again a hot and humid summer day. Highs in the upper 80’s, we will be serving icy pops during the watermelon time after rest hour. The misting stations are running full time and are most appreciated between classes. We are managing the heat just fine.

Tonight will be our final Council Fire then our Closing Vespers. It is a beautiful night and one that will be remembered for many years. We let the girls keep their candles, encouraging them to remember the simple lessons learned at camp of Light and of Love.

Thank you for sharing your wonderful girls. It is such a pleasure.