Fall Colors

Camp is ablaze with the color - a moment of spectacular glory that is celebrated by anyone who visits the area this time of year. The trees do not change into their colorful coats at the same time nor do they change in the same way every year. Some years the change is very fast, other years the change is drawn out for week upon week; this year we have been treated with a little color for a lot of weeks. This week the colors of the Maple trees came in (my favorite time of every season). The trees are various shades of green, gold, red, and orange… all in each Maple Tree! They are absolutely stunning! I went out to take some photos to share, it is too beautiful to keep to myself.

Nice new track!

Oh Yes… we have also been working on the track! As you can see, we have freshly sealed and painted the track and it looks great. We cut the grass away from the edges and filled the cracks in preparation for a big winter (it gets really cold around here in the winter, the cracks fill with ice that makes the cracks get bigger). One of the surprises of the fall has been the soccer field grass: the “nice” Bermuda grass has spread all over the field, allowing us to easily switch to Bermuda grass this summer for the entire soccer field. What this means is that our soccer field will now have “short” grass (like we have at golf). It will be a HUGE improvement!

The New Fishing Dock

Here is another project that you will absolutely LOVE this summer: A New Fishing Dock! Located in the “heart” of camp (behind the Shepherd Gazebo and Odd firepit) is a new 150 foot dock that is sure to become a favorite spot in camp. This is the prime “view” spot at camp… imagine eating a picnic, watching the stars come out, or reading a book as you dangle your feet in the water. We are making it to last 100 years and are sure you will agree that it is a great improvement. Thank you for your surveys that suggested this addition!

Oh yes... the lake is gone too! Duke Energy drops the lake about 10 feet every now and then to do maintenance. We are going to try and dredge it out to make it deeper and nicer, but first the muck needs to dry out a bit!