
In Breakfast Club we are now looking at “Physical Growth”… the third leg of the four fold way. Physcal growth starts with eating well and excercising every day, and we celebrate that principle every Sunday at camp with the Greystone Stumblers Running Club.

Stumblers meets every Sunday at 8:00 AM on the track. We run (or walk) three miles and admit new members into the club by giving a T-shirt. This year marks the 30th anniversary of the Stumblers Club, a club that was started by my father after the example of Alex Campbell’s “Todds Road Stumblers” club in Lexington Kentucky. JimDaddy LOVED Kentucky. He went to UK and played football under the legendary Bear Bryant in the 1950’s. He visited Lexington frequently and had many friends there, one of which was Mr. Campbell (a successful businessman and horse owner). Anything that Mr. Campbell did was top quality, and this running club was no different… hundreds of people would meet early on Saturday morning to run three miles together. JimDaddy thought it was a great idea, so now we do it too!

About 400 girls show up to run and get a shirt, and I think they are smart to do so. The shirt is really nice this year (super soft, very lightweight, and in a fashionable dark blue color) and we all feel GREAT after getting that vigorous exercise. The buffet breakfast (we can eat it picnic style) is very tasty and it is easier to sit still in church later on with all that energy burned off so effectively.

Church service will be put on the web later this week (probably tomorrow)… it will be a great service. David Speakman is a WONDERFUL minister and we have really enjoyed his morning assembly talks this week. The Sunday Sermon is th high water mark of the talks, always memorable.

My mother is planning on coming to church this morning. This will be her first time back in camp life since she had a bad virus in early July. Her time in the hospital left her very weak and it has taken a long time to regain her strength… we will be so happy to see her entering regular camp life again after so many weeks! It is no accident that she would choose to make Church her priority… it has always been that way in her life and her deep and genuine, heart felt, confident faith has always been an inspiration to us all.

Tonight we will break from our normal Sunday routine to integrate some fun games and a “camp out” experience… lighting fires all over camp and roasting s’mores under the stars. The girls will be able to sleep on the floor (a modified camp out experience)… for some reason, this excites them more than you can know!

Thanks for checking in. Not that many parents read the blog on the weekend, you are the true fanatics and I am grateful that you are out there! Enjoy your Sunday, get ready for a very quick week… these next 5 days are going to FLY BY!


PS I am sorry for the number of photos at Stumblers… I know it is hard to go through so many, but I also want to get some good shots of most everyone there and that always means a lot of pictures. I will put them in two folders to help out.

PPS Just found the missing pictures from the B4-C12 lip synch EP. I was late, thus missed B2 and B3 but got the rest… but the last of the shots were not on the card (I thought). Just found a hidden folder! Will put those up too.