
Greystone has a 4-fold philosophy of growth arising from the example of Jesus. The Apostle Luke (in Luke 2:52) describes the childhood of Jesus in one sentence: And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, in favor with God and man. This is Growth in 4 ways (Mental, Physical, Spiritual, and Social)… if we practice this simple way of living every day we will always have a GREAT DAY no matter what the circumstances. This is the message of Breakfast Club!

Our first two days focused on Social growth (in favor with man), our second two days focused on Mental growth (wisdom) and that is what we completed today at Breakfast Club. The basic point is to train our mind to see things in a positive light by focusing on things for which we ought be thankful. The point of illustration was the rain… while it rained a lot yesterday (1 inch), in Greenville SC (just 30 miles away) it rained a lot more (3 inches). We enjoyed a fun morning in the rain, while we could have been drenched all day long.

All of life is about perspective. We either have a perspective that leads us to be grateful or one that leads us to be resentful. One path leads to great days the other to yucky days… train your mind to have Great Days!!!

It is overcast again today, a good chance of rain but not as much as yesterday. It is still unseasonably cool (around 70 degrees) but very pleasant. We anticipate a regular day of classes, and will adjust the evening program schedule to more appropriately fit the weather.

Rather than do our big Carnival tonight (an outside event that involves getting wet) we will do our movie night. Watching a good movie, eating pop corn, drinking sodas… inside… perfect!

The temperatures will now gradually warm up. By Monday we will once again be enjoying the muggy, sunny, happy days of August and THAT is when we will do our Carnival! It is going to be a wonderful adjustment to the schedule… I am thankful the carnival guys could quickly adjust for us.

Thanks for checking in. It is an absolute pleasure!


PS… You REALLY should check out the Morning Assembly Devotions of David Speakman. He is an absolutely wonderful teacher… I am really happy to share these talks with you.

PPS… Counselor Talent Show last night was amazing. The best Counselor Talent show of the summer, without a doubt. The girls (and the counselors) LOVED IT!!!