Challenge Day

The camp is wound up tight this morning… it is Challenge Day and the campers are REALLY INTO IT!!!

The sky is overcast (chance of scattered showers), temperatures mild (high in the mid 70’s), and we are ready to play!

The girls will go to their normal activities where they have class specific games (even crafts figures out a way for campers to earn points for their teams). We count up the points at lunch and announce the winner, to thunderous applause. It is a fun day and will end with a great EP: the Birthday Ball and Talent Show. All the girls who had birthdays during August Camp will be seated at the Head Table with Doctor Margaret and me. The entire camp enjoys a feast of roast pork, roasted veggies, tomato pie (a Southern tradition), raviolli, and birthday cake (the banquet table cake is quite magnificent… the bakery has been working on it for two days!). Then we enjoy the camper talent show, always the most impressive ep of the session. It is a GREAT DAY!

I hope you have a wonderful weekend. It is hard to believe how quickly the time is passing by. I know you feel the same way!
