Spirits are SKY HIGH this morning.
There is a steady breeze from the North, humidity is low, temperatures will max out at 80 degrees, and not a cloud in the sky. Everyone is wearing red white and blue as we stroll through this perfect summer day. I do not think we have ever had a more perfect day to enjoy camp.
The weather is the smallest part of the “feel good” equation… the real ingredients arise from the days that have passed to this point. As we settle into camp the good things that surround us are finally appreciated to their full extent. A good conversation is celebrated in the moment it occurs. A good class brings a satisfying lift to the heart. A good meal causes a wave of chatter and applause from the packed dining hall. A good EP announcement brings a loud murmur of glee as the girls anticipate what it will mean to do that fun activity.
Add it all up and you get a full heart. Abundant and overflowing.
I am late with the update today… and there is nothing wrong with being concise on such a great holiday, so here goes.
I am going to do a separate blog on a new rental house opportunity. This is a house we renovated this year, it is really nice if you are interested in a vacation in Tuxedo (come when camp is not in session and have use of our facilities if a group is not here).