Sunday Stumblers

The lake was blanketed with a 3 foot cloud this morning, an outcome of the warm water coming in contact with the still cool air (58 degrees). Perfect weather for a run!

Fewer showed up this week for the Stumblers running club, but still an impressive number (I estimate 350). There are four Sundays in which to run, it takes three successful runs to get the Stumblers T-shirt… you can easily do the math! I can imagine there were a lot of girls who decided to just pull the blanket up higher as the 8:00 running hour approached. It would feel glorious to be snug and warm in a bunk bed on a day such as this.

Another day of perfect weather. Another Sunday of Rest and Reverence. Another concert tonight (I can’t tell you who yet, we want it to be a surprise). I will say this… it is going to be a concert to be repeated in your homes throughout the month of December. One of my most favorite artists of all time… I am VERY EXCITED about it.

The 5 year celebration last night was really wonderful. Hearing the 40 senior campers speak of their camp memories was a very touching experience for me. Looking out on the crowd it was obvious that the entire camp (counselors and campers alike) were captivated. Many were inspired to re-consider the difficult moments of their life… most “favorite memories” seem to be formed around hard times made joyous by friends.

Washing dishes is fun at camp because you are surrounded by friends. Moving gym equpment back into place after a day that began 15 hours earlier is fun because of the friends. Jumping in mud puddles, sitting on a bench, playing tennis, and knitting are all fun (for day upon day) because of friends. Camp is all about friendship, a fact that was made abundantly clear last night.

We are having a blast, we are making friends, we are making memories. Life is really good and we are grateful.

Enjoy your Sunday. May God richly bless you!
