
The weather forecast today, and for the next five days, is PERFECT! Basically a replay of the Fourth of July, making this week the nicest week of the summer. It is hard to imagine the weather being better than this… I am SO HAPPY for the campers!

Last year at Main Camp it rained every day. By this point the softball field was a mud pit and we were sinking into mulch up to our ankles. The amazing thing… the girls were just as happy last year as this! I am not exaggerating… circumstances such as weather do not impact the camp experience. The Great Day attitude is more than just propaganda. Every day really is a GREAT DAY, and we really do feel TERIFIC!! But this does not mean that we aren’t happy to see the sun. We are thrilled (especially the counselors)!

The half moon was high in the sky when the sun set, thus the fireworks show had the perfect backdrop! It was officially the biggest show we have ever done, and that is saying something. I am a bit of a legend when it comes to fireworks… a boy at heart, I delight in buying a case or two of every great item. Jimmy “Three Fingers” (my firecracker vendor) loves me and reserves the “good stuff” for me every year. This year he actually gave me detailed instructions on what to shoot and when to shoot it… the effect was really wonderful. The show went on for thirty minutes and never let up. We flew the drone quite through the middle of the mayhem, the video should be REALLY GOOD.

Today’s BIG EVENT EP is The Five Year Celebration . The campers honored today can officially be called “camp fanatics”. They have come to Greystone for Five years or longer (at least three of those years at Main Camp) and many of them can not imagine a summer spent elsewhere. The Senior campers (Campers who are entering their Senior Year of High School) will provide the most emotional moments of the evening. Many have thought of this night for years… carefully thinking of what they would say to convey to others why they love camp and return every year. It is a wonderful night and we hope to share it with you.

We are going to be streaming the video of the 5 year ceremony live. If you are interested in watching, simply click here at 7:00 this evening (or check back at anytime to watch the archive). The program will start about 7:30 and go for about two hours. We have improved our system for broadcasting with a new camera and better staging… but I will fully admit that we do not try to be GREAT at livestreaming. It is nice for you to get a glimpse of these special moments, but our priority is not “virtual camp” (if you get my point).

Thank you, Thank You, THANK YOU. Main camp is only possible because you “get it”. You have supported this experience in every way and we are grateful

Have a wonderful weekend.
