We knew there was a chance of rain today, but no one expected the downpour that has settled in this morning. I awoke at 5:30 to the sound of rain, and in looking at the radar was surprised to see that it was NOT supposed to be raining at that time! The radar was clear!
This sometimes happens in the mountains. Conditions become good for rain and small clouds form in small areas… as the morning went on, the cell grew and joined up with a big cloud mass. Now it looks like it will rain all morning long. It is not supposed to get better tomorrow either! Cooler temperatures, and a much bigger rain system hits us tomorrow (forcing a re-think of our Watersports Day plan).
The new plan is to have Council Fire tomorrow night, replacing the scheduled Water Show (which will now be live streamed on Sunday night at 7:00). We will also move the watersports challenge activities from tomorrow morning till Sunday afternoon (when we hope it will be warmer and less rainy). My mother always said that it was necessary to be a “Rubber Tree” when running camp, bending plans to fit such things as weather is almost routine.
So we are enjoying two “rain days” at the end of the summer. Last year we had rain days almost every day (literally). Today brings back many a fond memory! Classes go on as normal (no thunder, so no need to go inside for safety). Every activity has a plan in place for such days, so the pace of camp does not slacken and we can celebrate the change in different ways in every class. “Ultimate Foam Ball” is perhaps the most famous of these alternative class plans. Tennis has done this for years and the girls get very excited about the game… since it takes place right next to the camp office, I get to enjoy it too!
The Junior Play was great. You can still watch it today (we’ll take it down this afternoon to put up the Syncro show). Such things as wireless microphones make a camp production a real chore for the directors, but we are getting very close to mastering this new wrinkle of the camp game. We can’t afford the nice microphones (at $1,500 a piece the budget simply won’t allow it), but we did buy 24 cheap ones. Cheap doesn’t work as well (surprise!!!) but we think we are about to get it right. The Senior Play on Monday will tell the tale!
Thank you for checking in. Got a lot to do… rain doesn’t make less work!