
Last week my mother checked into the hospital. She was dehydrated after getting a bad stomach bug and needed an IV, we expected she would be out in a day or possibly two. As it turned out, one thing led to another and she is still there!

I told the girls about it on Saturday, thinking that she would be discharged the next day. They wrote get well cards and those cards (which continue to flood in) are a continual source of joy to Mama. She reads each one with a big smile and often a deep laugh, especially if they draw pictures of her dogs (a very consistent theme). I mention her to the girls every day, not wanting them to worry… for we do think she is recovering and will soon be discharged.

I told the campers but hesitated to write it in the blog. It felt more “right” to give you the news that she had been in the hospital rather than was in the hospital… for we really did think she would quickly recover. But as each day passes, it becomes clear that I should not be so “political”… we are connected, you should know what is going on and I should not worry about “timing” the news.

At this point it looks like she will get to go home this afternoon or tomorrow. It is also possible that she will remain for the rest of the week. She improves every day, but balancing her recovery has proven to be a slow process (one problem is fixed at the expense of another problem). That back and forth is getting resolved and we think all is well.

I want you to know of all the things that impact your girls, this is a low impact thing but one they might mention in a letter. We appreciate your prayers for a quick recovery… but it does look like Mama is not going to be as involved in daily camp life this year. For a woman who has spent every summer of her life at Greystone, that is saying something!

Mama’s time in the hospital has pulled my siblings together to be with her and love on her while she recovers. Katie has been the most present (spending the nights and most of the days by her side), but Stuart and I also visit every day. Mama’s dream was to have all of her children living close by and that has happened. Katie and Greg live at Grey Gables with Mama, Margaret and I live next door at Grey Lodge, and Stuart and Beth live 5 minutes away in Flat Rock.

Many of you have faced a similar situation: the challenge and opportunity of health crisis within the family. It is a sweet (if poignant) thing when it is a parent who depends on you at such times. This is the natural order of things and there is blessing in meeting the challenge with a glad heart.

In the midst of feeling bad, my mother has been a shining light to every one she comes in contact with. In the hospital (the nurses LOVE her positive and joyful outlook on life), with her children (she lights up when we enter the room and makes us laugh with her commentary of daily life in the hospital), and to the camp at large (I gave the girls a Breakfast Club theme of “Lessons from Libby” on thankfulness). In many ways her challenge has been one that affirms the Great Day message: that we can always find God’s Grace in every situation… there is always good if we look hard enough, so emphasize the good!

Today is sunny, warm, and promises to dry out the soggy camp. This will be the weather pattern for the rest of this week: hot and dry… perfect camp weather in every way. We will surprise the girls with a midnight movie tonight, setting up a brand new high definition 20 foot theater on the pagent court after the EP (Team Meetings). There is nothing more delightful than sitting under the stars and watching a good movie. I won’t tell you the movie yet, it is always a surprise… but it is one that they will LOVE (hint: Nicholas Cage). It is a nice kick off for Challenge Day tomorrow!

Before I go I must comment on the FOOD… Yesterday’s lunch and dinner was outstanding. For lunch we enjoyed the best sandwich combo I have ever had. Seriously good. Amazingly good. SHOCKINGLY GOOD. Home Made bread, Home Made Pimento Cheese, Home Made Chicken Salad, Fresh cut heirloom tomato’s with goat cheese and fresh basil with an olive oil and balsamic vinegar drizzle… it was quite literally amazing. Everyone was talking about it. For dinner we had poached salmon, cooked to perfection in our “space ship” Reliant Ovens (each oven is computer controlled and uses steam and heat to cook in various styles, they are really remarkable). The salmon was prepared with capers and fresh lime (we didn’t have lemons, so tried limes) and the effect was remarkable. Every fish was consumed (remarkable as most girls have to be convinced to even give fish a taste). Spirits are very high with food this good (an army depends on it’s kitchen)!

The dance program was a slam dunk success. The girls loved their shirts and everyone delights in “passing on” a blessing (the goats will be a most appreciated gift to those 60 families).

Thank you for your interest in the details of camp life. Do pray for my mother, it would be such an encouragement for her to be discharged today!
