
Our concert last night was by Andrew Peterson, who performed his Christmas concert for the girls (Behold the Lamb of God ). Some of my favorite songs are written and performed by this great artist and we were really blessed to have him work camp into his schedule.

Before he started the Christmas element of the concert he sang a couple other songs, including a great one on marriage and forgiveness (Dancing in the Minefields ) and the perfect song for all of us overworking worriers (Rest Easy ).

Then we entered into the “meat” of the evening, a part that I knew would be special. As it turns out it was better than I expected! Some moments in camp are so good that the afterglow lasts a lifetime… this was such a moment. Andrew asked if anyone had a Bible and was surprised to see a little hand in the front row shoot up. Two our our littlest campers then walked up on stage, clutching a big red Bible (Lilly Walthall and Mae Thompson were the girls). I think he was actually expecting a counselor to do the duty, as the text was fairly hard to read… but the die was cast as the girls boldly walked up on stage holding hands and smiling great big happy smiles (getting on stage is a huge treat as you know). He asked them to read some scripture from Philippians 2:

Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others. Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus, who, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied himself, by taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men. And being found in human form, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross. Therefore God has highly exalted him and bestowed on him the name that is above every name, so that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.

Both girls read together in perfect unison, their little voices musical and their intense concentration magical… they did not mispronounce or stumble on a single word. As they read, the piano slowly entered in with the opening notes of “Behold the Lamb of God”, I get chills thinking about it now. The entire pavilion teared up with the sweetness of that moment. I think it was one of my favorite Holy Spirit moments in the history of camp. I REALLY hope we got some video of it… the moment was so touching I completely forgot about my camera (seldom happens to me during the summer). Some moments are meant to be savored with reverence and I did so without even thinking.

Today will be a nice day, again. Sunny, warm, breezy… another day in paradise! We will irrigate the main campus for the first time in a month, a statement in itself. This year’s weather has been wonderful.

Breakfast Club is going to focus on “Physical Growth for the next 4 talks. We focused on putting good things in our bodies today, a simple and good message. Camp is a place of simplicity. We eat simple food correctly prepared and the effect over time is wonderful. Our bread has 4 ingredients (flour, salt, yeast, and water), we don’t purchase prepared foods in the kitchen and we take pride in presenting an abundant variety (every meal is built from scratch and our salad bar is a ceaseless celebration of fresh vegetables). We encourage the girls to eat simply and avoid processed foods when they go home. Our bodies just work better with the right fuel!

Tonight will be “Movie Night”… the Seniors will go to Greenville with Laura and me (a tradition that is much beloved and highly anticipated). The rising 10th graders will be on Apple Hill with Kelly (dinner, s’mores, and a late night movie and sleep in the hammocks under the stars). The other half of camp will enjoy a movie in the pavilion. Since we will be staying up late, we will sleep late (8:30) tomorrow. The break in the routine is a nice thing, one that we will repeat in various ways this week. Our goal is to give the girls a chance to “rest”… to take in the glory of the people that comprise this community and wallow in the quiet moments that are often ignored in other settings. These are the golden days of summer and we love them dearly.

Each day is going to be special. I Can’t Wait!

Thank you for reading. Thank you for writing your girls and encouraging them in this experience. Thank you for praying Blessing on this camp… the prayers are working!
