The Bubble

“Camp stories are the hardest to tell.” Thus begins the best description of camp I ever read, written by Heather Brown who wrote this description to a friend who did not understand her passion for Greystone. Despite the fact that the words were written almost 20 years ago, the truth still rings and brings a tear to my eye. It describes life inside “the bubble”… the peaceful place that your daughters simply adore.

Why is camp so good? It is a lot more than the parts (the views, the facility, the classes, the food, the programs, concerts, t-shirts, traditions)… which makes it difficult to explain. The core truth of the matter is that camp is a place of intensely intentional community. A place where the lines are clear and we are therefore freed to focus on things that actually matter. A place where distractions are minimized (boys, phones, computers) and people are emphasized (we seldom if ever leave camp, thus we are constantly surrounded by the same people). A place where Jesus is boldly proclaimed and a sweet spirit of Love is fostered. Our little “village” experiences EVERYTHING TOGETHER and do so for week after glorious week… and what a community it is! Here we are unconditionally accepted and enjoy real conversation on a regular basis. We eat well, exercise (even walking to classes is a good workout), pray, read, nap, sing, and dance on a regular basis… every day. The effect is magical. This is life lived well… I am grateful to experience it every summer.

If Scripture is right, then we have a maximum of about 100 years on THIS earth and an ETERNITY of time in the next. We must answer the question of how to best live the years that we are given. Will the “bad” of this world define us, or will we live abundantly to be “more than conquerors” in Christ?

Camp instills a confident perspective on this question. We gain perspective through the simplicity and the people of this place. We unplug, we connect, we pray, and Glorify God by loving each other… and find that the days unfold in a glorious way (time flies by but we never feel rushed).

I think that camp reflects a deep reality… that camp reflects Heaven in many ways.

This is what I glean from campers and counselors, what I see in the faces of the girls, what I hear in the little conversations that occur all day long. I will never really know what it means to be a camper or counselor at Greystone (boys just don’t get that privlege). But I do see what happens each summer. It is amazing.

Thank you for checking in. Weekends see fewer people reading the blog… and I am fine with that. It is nice that you get to take a break during the summer and “recharge” your batteries as well. For those of you who fanatically follow camp life I say thank you for caring. I think your attention is well placed!



Captains of the teams: Chandler Law (Evens) and Mallie Given (Odds)
Lieutenants of the teams: Ellie Seiter (Evens) and Sibley McCallie (Odds)