Sunny Saturday

Oh what a beautiful Morning!!! The sun is shinning and there is not a hint of rain in the forecast. Camp should dry out nicely today; our spirits are high as we anticipate a fun day of classes followed by the big Counselor Talent Show tonight.

Last nights Camper Talent Show was spectacular: an hour and a half of top quality entertainment. The girls who performed were beaming as they confidently stood before the packed audience of adoring fans. Huge cheers erupted as each act ended and we all leaned forward as the next act was announced. There is something magical about a talent show… so much fun at camp. Tonight the counselors will shine… the campers will LOVE it.

The birthday ball was also a hit. We got all dressed up and I enjoyed hosted the birthday girls at the big banquet table. We ate a wonderful feast then were presented the most humongous cake you can imagine. It must have weighed 40 pounds (20 pounds of that was icing)… spectacular to be given a cake that big, the whole camp gawked with awe.

Moving on to an important “sermon” that I give at some point to every session of campers. I gave it at Breakfast Club today: the important topic of physical beauty. Basically, I encouraged the girls to accept their bodies as “fearfully and wonderfully made” rather than reject little physical traits that are not “perfect” by some silly standard of a fickle world.

Ours is a society that is shockingly shallow in some ways. We are keen to “look perfect” on the outside with no regard for the heart. As Christians, we get pulled into the same trap as the rest of the culture and our girls pay the price. Thus, at camp we hold a higher standard: encouraging the girls to not care about “surface” things like clothes, makeup, and hair at camp. We hope build confidence in themselves that equip them to better face the false messages of the world.

Scripture describes Jesus in this way: He had no form or majesty that we should look at him, and no beauty that we should desire him. (Is 53:2) If God Himself chose to take a body that was not “beautiful”, should we not re-consider our priorities. The fact is… the way we look does not matter in the end. To obsess on the way we look and end up dispising our bodies because of the way God made us is a very sad waste of our time and can lead to tragic problems (eating disorders are widespread and aweful to live with).

Believing in a Sovereign God who dearly loves us and has ordered the details of our lives to be perfect (in the end), we should rest in the good gifts of God. We will be most happy when we joyfully accept all of God’s Blessings without complaint. Rather than grumble about what we do not have (physically and otherwise), the Great Day Attitude is to always be grateful for the many things that we do have. Our healthy bodies, imperfect as they may be, are amazing and wonderful. Be thankful.

Our theme verse this year is from John 10:10 “I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.”. The first part of this verse is appropriate to this topic: “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy.”. God has given us the amazing gift of life, the amazing gift of health, the amazing gift of a physical body. Don’t let the thief steal, kill, and destroy this good gift. It is a profound lesson… we want every Greystone Girl to know it well.

Thank you for the support and encouragement. Our days are slipping by too quickly and we will be packing for home too soon. Take this opportunity to write some really substantial letters to your girls. They treasure your letters, your encouragement and advice are never better heard than in the hand written letter opened during rest hour. Mail is slow, so mail your letters soon! Time is almost over for this year.
