So It Begins

Welcome to camp everyone!!!

The Greystone opening day is quite an experience. It begins with an early wake up, a non-existent breakfast (who can eat when they are this excited), a quiet car ride before the sun is up, then turn into the gates of camp. You are finally here! The fun is about to begin!!

I am always amazed at how smoothly things go on opening day. 500 campers arriving with their bags in about one hour. A rain shower hit camp about 5:00 in the morning (the only rain shower in the entire state at the time) but was over by 6:00. The first cars parked just before 7:00 and almost everyone was here by 8:00. Our staff did a great job with the madness, most of the bags were delivered without incident. We hope the whole experience was fun for parents and campers alike.

The campers are now getting their cabin photos made (to be uploaded with our new photo system), being checked by the nurses (a healthy camp is a happy camp), and taking their first dip in the pool with a little swim test. I see lots of happy faces as the cabin groups are walking together in the brightening day. High temperature of just 80 degrees, a chance of rain in the afternoon… perfect North Carolina mountain weather!

Main Camp is a big deal. It is the emotional and physical center of the Greystone experience: as such, we put a lot of effort into every detail. Older campers (many of whom have been coming to camp for over 9 years) expect us to have prepared a perfect experience. They will not be disappointed!

You will be given an inside view of the camp experience through our website. The daily blog and photographs will sooth your heart (there is nothing like a great picture of your daughter to put all cares and concerns behind you). The will also equip you to write some great letters and emails filled with significant details of camp life. We will probably share about 80,000 photographs over the next 5 weeks, one of these pictures will become a cherished treasure that will bring joy to your heart for a lifetime. Take time to check out the pictures every day, it is worth the effort (and the new photo system allows you to very quickly go through hundreds of pictures at a time). You will also appreciate the free downloads (in any resolution that you like).

Camp is an amazing experience… a transformative experience… the kind of experience that is remembered for a lifetime. Thank you for providing it for your girls. Thank you for letting them spend their summer here.

Thank you for allowing us to do this work (the best job in the world). It is our pleasure to serve you and know that you will appreciate the good things that will happen at camp this year.