
Production Night was the hit EP yesterday… an hour and 45 minute variety show, better than TV! Tonight the show will go on with our June Camp Play Production (Alice in Wonderland)! The girls have been working every day to pull everything together, and any of you who have ever been involved in a dramatic production know exactly what that is like. The Cast (who obsess about their choreography, singing, blocking, and lines), the Crew (who are working the sound board, light board, props, and stage movements), and the Directors (who are coordinating everything and inspiring everyone) are very excited to have the big night finally arrive. It is going to be wonderful.

We will be sharing this event with you via a livestream feed starting around 7:00 PM. The Play will begin around 7:30, but it is kind of fun to watch the pit fill with campers! To see it, simply click here or go to The livefeed will stay online for 24 hours, so feel free to catch it later if it is more convenient. Do not expect it to be perfect… the main problem we will have will relate to the audio portion of the show. We think our video camera is perfect for the job, but the audio is dependent on our inexpensive wireless headsets working correctly (a huge leap of faith). The girls sound good in the audience, but that sound does not transfer to the camera as well. Regardless, it should be a fun glimpse into what our last days of camp are like. Hope you enjoy it!

Also on the technology side of things, you will now note that the summer photos now show the number of photographs in each folder. You no longer have to open the folder and scroll down to discover if more photos were added since your last visit, a big help to those of you who are checking in on an hourly basis during the day! This suggestion came from a camp mom just a couple days ago. Our thanks to Sarah for working with the photography website to customize our service to our needs (with over 65,000 photographs posted in three weeks we are one of their biggest customers and get a red carpet treatment when we call)!

The weather is once again warm and humid, a chance of afternoon showers… this forecast will remain in place for the rest of the week. Perfect camp weather! We are convinced that this is shaping up to be our best June Camp ever. The campers have been a delight, the counselors have been diligent (and fun), the activities are dynamic and of the highest quality, and our support staff (maintenance and kitchen) are amazing (the fish taco’s yesterday were sublime by the way).

At Breakfast Club I encouraged the girls to read a little Scripture every day (part of Spiritual Growth). At camp we do so twice a day (a verse for the morning assembly devotion and a verse for the cabin devotion at bedtime). When God’s Word is a part of our daily routine, we grow in wisdom and Grace. A worthy lesson to take home from camp. The girls can keep up this routine by checking our website which features a daily devotion that can be delivered by email if you like. We also encourage you to keep up with our camp devotions and sermons posted daily all summer. Spiritual Growth does not happen by accident, we have to exercise that muscle… scratch that itch… you get the point.

Thanks again for your support. Your efforts at keeping up with what is going on at camp will make for a happy reunion on Friday. Catch up on any updates you missed if you want to hit it out of the park! The girls love it when you show interest in what they did at camp. The conversations will go to a deeper place because of it!

Have a wonderful day,
