Packing Up

At Rest Hour today we will pack our bags for home. It takes time to gather our things, I am sure you can imagine what it is like. Our goal is to pack everything (getting all lost items back to their owners) with a careful eye toward the wet things (which can easily mildew if not careful). By providing lots of plastic bags, most of the biggest problems are avoided. Even so, count on washing the entire trunk when you get home. The girls have had a glorious time and have played very hard for three weeks… they have been rough on their clothes!

Another happy, sunny, summer day in the mountains. Pancakes and bacon for breakfast, delightful. Our last MWF classes will meet today, last TTS classes will meet tomorrow. The kilns are working overtime in ceramics (we run 3 large kilns to finish all the projects), the crafts and fine arts classes are finishing the last projects, riflery and archery are shooting as fast as they can, and so forth. There is a joyful intensity to every moment of camp life, for we can sense the finish line and want to finish strong.

The livestream video was a hit. Over 500 people have watched the show, and what a show it was! The girls knew their lines, never needing a prompting from the director. The songs were sung with confidence and the scenes unfolded naturally and with flair. I was very proud of the cast and crew who worked very hard to pull off such an elaborate production in a short period of time.

Tonight we will have our final Council Fire then finish with a Closing Vespers ceremony around the flagpole. The candles are lovely and the simple message of love is profoundly moving. We will appreciate camp more intensely when we go to bed this evening.

Thank you for sharing your girls with us this summer. It has been a delight to serve you and hope that your Greystone memories will always be cherished.

With Love,
