
Our Closing Vespers is a lovely event. 700 candles held high as we stand in a giant circle is not a sight that is soon forgotten. It is also fleeting… we blow the candles out about a minute after all of them are lit. The lesson is clear: beauty does not last but it is wonderful nonetheless. That is how a camp session feels… beautiful but fleeting. We are now just left with the memories (reinforced with about 60,000 photographs).

Thank you for making it all possible. We thank our supportive parents, our wonderful staff, but especially our amazing campers. Each of you will now leave camp with a bunch of memories that will delight as the years go by. We hope that camp will remain a bright light in your life for your entire lifetime. It has been a delight and I am grateful.

Enjoy your adjustment to the real world. Get some rest, wash some clothes, and wallow in the delight of returning home… and “Keep safely the memories that we share”.

With Love


PS… The Banquet theme this Tangled! It was really wonderful… as the pictures attest!