
Five… but really it is Four. Four days till banquet, four days to enjoy our friends, four days to sing songs, four days to pass levels, and so on. Four days felt like an eternity when we first started camp. We had three weeks ahead of us and time was plentiful. In those adjustment days, four days felt much longer. At this point in the summer, four days feels like very little time.

The “Great Day” attitude is one that sees each day as a precious gift of God. A gift of remarkable potential that is easily squandered or used to full effect. It is a decision that each one of us make every minute of the day: will be a “good finder” and expect the best from every situation, or not. Choosing the “not” path is easy, but that path leads to destruction. The “good finder” is ultimately proven to be right, for God indeed works every circumstance (even the really bad ones) to be good in the end. Camp is wonderful for many reasons… one of them is the cumulative effect of a big community living every day with this attitude. It is a wonderful life lesson.

The sky is overcast today, temperatures are warm, a chance of afternoon showers… a perfect day for playing outside! We awoke to the sound of birds. This happens every day to me and a bunch of “early risers” around camp. Reveille blows at 7:30 but I am always up at 6:00, awakened by the sounds of the birds who are singing with the pre-dawn light of day. I sometimes wonder how many birds live in camp, there must be thousands. The sound of their song first thing in the morning is a glorious thing to hear! Such are the often un-noticed blessings of camp!

We enjoyed a great EP last night: Christmas in June. The girls were SO EXCITED to dress up in their Christmas Red and Green, the picnic dinner was a wonder to behold (the girls sitting in tight cabin groups on the green grass looked like Christmas decorations from a distance). We sang Christmas carols, danced around, had some fun competitions (camper vs. counselor), and gave everyone a Christmas themed t-shirt. A fun night.

Tonight’s EP is the camp wide Production night, where every class that wants to perform in front of a wildly cheering audience will be given their moment in the spot light. We will see a lot of dances, some jump rope, juggling, singing, guitar playing, sign language, and so forth. About half of the camp will perform… it is going to be great!

We are living Abundantly and looking forward to the next “big thing”… a process that becomes a little more intense with every passing day. Thank you for being such supportive and wonderful cheerleaders of Greystone. That you appreciate this experience is more encouraging than you can know. Thank you.
