AHHHH... Main Camp

One of the best movies ever made (especially for girls) is National Velvet. Elizabeth Taylor, Mickey Rooney, Angela Lansbury, Donald Crisp… wonderful. At the beginning of the movie the 12 year old Elizabeth Taylor is seen admiring a horse with delight shining in her eyes, she exclaimes (to nobody but herself) “Ahh… Horses!

I love that moment. Delight that bubbles out of a full heart, expressed in a single word. Main Camp is the very embodyment of that concept.

Our 95 year tradition is best expressed in an extravagantly long session. For most of camp history there was only one session to choose from: a long 7 week session that took place during the months of June and July. While Main Camp is now only 5 weeks, it still accomplishes that magic that all old campers know and love… the magic that comes from having a long time in the bubble.

It is going to be amazing. I get chills just thinking about it. The very thought turns my eyes dreamy as a 12 year old girl thinking of horses!

A few housekeeping notes… things for you to be aware of for Opening Day:

  • Arrive Early… We officially open the cabin area at 7:30, I would suggest you arrive between 7:00 and 8:00. The girls will begin their day’s schedule at 9:30, parents should not go with the cabin as they get their cabin photo and swim test… Not Cool! Parents should plan on departing camp by 9:30.
  • Reception… We will have a reception at the dining hall porch from 8:00 to 9:30. Check in with Katie at the Alumnae table to get this years Alumnae gift bag (an insulated grocery bag… you will like it) and munch on some delicious scones (we are famous for them).
  • Hand Written Letters… take time to write some letters to your campers for the first few days of camp. We have LOTS of free post cards at the Hostess Cabin if you forget. Each day of the first week of camp has a separate mail bin, you can have a letter for each day delivered at mail call… a wonderful encouragement and expression of love.
  • Photos… We have a new photo system this year, I suggest you check it out now so that you can hit the ground running on Monday. We have emailed you the password (call if you can’t find it). The system is much more convenient (very big thumbnails on single page folders), very fast, offers free downloads in lots of resolutions, and easy inexpensive print options… the June parents RAVED about it. You will want to sign up for a free personal account so that you can have a “favorites” folder (you do this on the photo site).
  • Prayers… Lift up our camp family in your prayers. For safe travels this weekend, good weather on Monday, Healthy weeks to come, and that this will be a Glorious summer for the girls.

Thank you for checking in. See you on Monday!!!
