
Our theme for this year is taken from John 10:10… Life Abundant!

Our first day is going to be lived out with this attitude and expectation in mind. Our hearts are full with the memory of a great opening day… all the campers were scheduled by the middle of the afternoon and were able to enjoy a variety of great games and activities. As I walked around to get a few photos (I uploaded about 500 yesterday afternoon), I was struck by the great feeling in camp. Everyone was happy… this is not an overstatement. Everyone I ran into was genuinely engaged with their cabin and the things they were doing. It was magical.

The magic continued into dinner spaghetti, big salad, home made bread, fresh baked cookies) then EP (evening program). Our first EP is always “Program Presentation”… an extravaganza that has every activity in camp present a skit and introduce their counselors teaching that activity. Since we have SO MANY classes and SO MANY counselors… it takes about an hour and a half. The skits were SO good: witty, funny, and fast paced. The girls cheered wildly for their cabin counselors, laughed, and leaned forward awaiting the next act. It really is a great way to end our first day. We went to bed with visions of glorious classes and new friends to enjoy for the next three weeks.

Breakfast today was our traditional Ham and Apples… fried ham and fried apples, served on a big platter with grits and great big scratch made biscuits. The girls also help themselves to a fantastic fruit bar (blueberries, strawberries, fresh cut pineapple, and cantaloupe), greek yogurt, hard boiled eggs, home made granola, and steel cut oatmeal seasoned with cinnamon. We are ready to start our day!

My mother did the morning assembly talk after we danced and sang some fun songs and a couple of praise songs (subject: what is the Bible?) and taught the girls our memory verses for the year then we were off to classes.

As I write this, the girls are out doing all the things they have dreamed of doing at camp. I will get out and take photos a little later on… should be some good ones.

A question arose about how to download a photo. It is very easy, click on the photo you want to download and it will get bigger. If you “hover” your mouse on the photo, you will see a menu on the upper left corner of the picture… click on it and you will see the download button. You can download in several sizes… it is really cool.

I also recommend you start your “favorites” today (if you haven’t already). With about 2000 photos a day it is easy to get behind. I think you will find it easy to navigate the photos… we do add photos to the folders as the day goes on. The newest photos will show up first.

Thank you very much for your support and your encouragement. We welcome comments, if you are inclined to share your thoughts. We also love getting “likes” on Facebook (it makes us feel warm and fuzzy inside)!