
There are about 40 counselors in camp now. Half are Riding counselors from other countries (they have been here about a week, getting over their jet lag and being trained in the “Greystone Way” of running the program). The other half will be starting in-depth training later today (WSI, Life Guarding, Zip Line, Climbing Wall, Ropes Course, Glass Beads). These “early arrivals” agreed to pitch in and help us do some final preparations around camp.

I caught them setting up the couch at Knitting… this is a wonderful program based around one of the most godly and wise women you will ever meet. Mrs. Carolyn retired to Hendersonville and found Greystone on her own, asking if she and her husband could be of service. She has run the knitting program and Mr. Pete has run the fishing program ever since. The couch is now ready for some serious knitting (Mrs. Carolyn will be so pleased)!

Next they hit White Hall Lodge, where we run cooking classes and teach cake decorating. The “Geek Squad” from Best Buy was busy setting up the new video system, replacing the ten year old projector with a very good High Definition projector and top notch surround sound system. We do not watch TV at camp… but every now and then we have movie nights… White Hall is now a quality venue for movies! We are also doing a new projector for the Pavilion, matched with a new 15 foot screen and new sound system it should be a most appreciated improvement as well.

The pool temperature rose from 66 degrees to 74 degrees… in ONE DAY!!! The solar heater is doing a fabulous job, an 84 degree pool temperature on Opening Day should be no problem at all.

Keep checking in, I will try and get some training day shots tomorrow.
