Guest Post: Bring the Joy Home

We have another wonderful guest post from Main camper, Annabel. I love her advice on bringing the joy of Greystone home to our regular lives. Take it away, Annabel…

Name: Annabel
Years at camp: 9th year in 2014
In 2013, I was in: the AWESOME Cabin 3 with the AWESOME Cecelia Glenn
Favorite Camp Meal: Definitely cheesy chicken!!
Fun fact: I can touch my tongue to my nose :)
Funny camp story: One day 2 summers ago, it was crazy hot and all of a sudden our high adventure class ran down the grassy hill and jumped in the swimming pool; we got to swim around with the swimming class in our clothes!!

One of my favorite things about camp is the fact that we are all so happy, care free, and are able to enjoy everything about the wonderful place that we’re in – from each conversation, activity, meeting a new friend or counselor, every EP…really everything! All of us are radiating with God’s light each day at camp, enjoying the little things around us that bring real joy to our hearts.

This past summer’s awesome theme verse Psalm 118:24 says, “this is the day the Lord has made let us rejoice and be glad in it.” It really teaches us to enjoy each moment given to us by God, to rejoice in his name and live for him with a kind of joy that fills our hearts and minds. This kind of attitude that we all experience at camp is so important each and every day, to wake up and be excited for a new day with new adventures, because each day is a gift from God. It’s about your attitude towards the day – you have to make the choice at the beginning of the day about whether you are going to have a good attitude or not.

So many times I get caught up in my schoolwork or a long to-do list, worrying about what’s to come, and I find myself just passing through the day, only going through the motions, rather than really living in each moment, looking forward to all I have in front of me, and living to glorify God. Let’s try to take that same happy, cheerful energy that EVERYONE at camp is living in, and bring it to our lives at home. Let’s do this so that we can live a life, in which we’re not just going through the motions, but truly living in each day and spreading what we’ve learned from camp!

Here is a quote that describes this really well from an awesome book called Cold Tangerines by Shauna Neiquist, “But I think today, just plain today, is worth it. I think it’s our job, each of us, to live each day like it’s a special occasion, because we’ve been given a gift. We get to live in this beautiful world. When I live purposefully and well, when I dance instead of sitting out, when I let myself laugh hard, when I wear my favorite shoes on a regular Tuesday, regular Tuesday is better.”

So, this new year, everyone take a moment to step back, notice the little things, like the sky, for example, or a beautiful flower. Camp Greystone has taught me to rejoice in the little things, to celebrate each day, and that everyday really is a great day to feel terrific! Let’s all shine brightly the magnificent light Jesus has given us and live each day to the fullest, in the same marvelous way that we all shine Jesus’ light and live each day at Greystone. Let’s bring home and spread the wonderful joy we all receive at camp and spread it to those around us that aren’t able to go to an awesome place like Greystone and experience Jesus’ light and joy in the same way that we all do at camp!

Happy New Year Everyone!!!