What's Next

Camp is over for another year.

It is hard for us to process this change of status… an intensely vibrant community that in the blink of an eye is gone. When we wake up tomorrow there will be no sounds, smells, or sights of camp life— just a beautiful postcard setting ready for the next bugle call.

The quiet is unsettling… so I leave.

Margaret and I will hit the beach next week. We will take the whole family and invite the extended family for a celebration week away from camp. It is always fun to go to the beach (especially when you live in the mountains), but it is also good to let time heal the loss of the campers and counselors who have made life so good for so long.

Some of you have asked if I intend to continue to blog now that camp is over. The short answer is YES. I am thinking of trying something new this year, giving you detailed glimpses into the slow life of camp in the fall and winter. Most of you do not know what everything looks like and feels like when campers are not here… and I don’t expect many of you care! BUT IF YOU DO… you will love this blog.

If nobody reads it… I will do fewer posts. If it is popular I will do a lot… it is up to you!

I will start the new blog on Monday the 19th. Till then:

Where Ever You Might Wander, Whatever may be your goal… Keep Your Eye Upon The Doughnut and NOT Upon The Hole!
