
We had a great time at the Campfire/movie night. It really is a good way to give the girls a bit of a “campout” experience without the drama. The fact is, the girls LOVE sleeping in their cabins and that routine provides a comfort that is important to feeling good at camp. At the same time, they want to have campfires, cook s’mores, and stay up late… last night gave everyone that experience.

The fires were lit all around the lake, their flames coaxed to life by the men staff who found a little kerosene to be indispensible to the task. As the flames dotted the campus, the girls were drawn to their respective area’s like moths to a cabin light… and were rewarded with marshmallows to roast, graham crackers, and chocolate bars. Voila!

Good times at camp are often generated by simply providing a place and some time… add in chocolate and marshmallows and you have a sure fire hit. It was a relaxed night that quickly passed. We spent about 40 minutes playing around the lake making s’mores then went back to the cabins to get brush our teeth and get in our PJ’s. When the bugle blew at 8:15 we started the movie on the Pageant Court: Tangled. It was very relaxing and a lot of fun. The movie was over at 9:50 and we were in our beds drifting off to sleep at 10:00.

Breakfast Club today focused on Spiritual Growth (the last of the 4 fold philosophy of camp). We encouraged the girls to consider the fact that they have a Spirit. Something that they can not see but is a part of them that is very important. God is a Spirit and we are made in His image; a profound point that is hard for all of us to grasp. How to grow something we can’t see was the question of the day. We suggested prayer. To pray to God throughout the day thanking Him for good things. Thank him for things that are big and things that are small… for God made them all and is worthy of praise. Talking to God is a good way to get to know Him. We pray a lot at camp (before each meal, after each assembly, before going to bed at night). It is a good start to growing Spiritually.

Weather continues to be magnificent. A chance of rain will keep clouds around and temperatures down (highs in the mid 70’s). Spirits are high, for the finish line is in sight. We are thankful for these girls and thankful for this place… and thankful for YOU who make it all possible.


THE JOKE: A man skips out on Church, choosing instead to take a nice hike in the deep woods. As he is walking and enjoying the sunshine, he hears a noise close by and is shocked to see a GIANT BEAR come out of the thicket. The bear has FANGS, CLAWS, and SHARP TEETH. His eyes are red with fury and the man decides to run for his life but immediately trips and falls on his face. The bear is immediately upon him and the man closes his eyes and prays: “Lord, make this a Christian Bear”. Immediately the bear becomes kind and gentle. The man finds himself hugged and his hands grasped in giant paws. The bear looks really happy then turns solemn as he bows his head in prayer. The bear then says “Lord, for this food I am about to eat, make me truly grateful.”