It is Friday, another wonderful day at camp.

As Margaret and I walked home from the Pavilion last night, we were both struck by how perfect the weather has been for August Camp. This is a blessing not to be taken lightly, for weather impacts camp in a profound way. Nice weather is just easier… and after a long summer, counselors appreciate easier! Campers do not have to be convinced to enjoy nice weather, while they need coaxing to appreciate the rain. All these facts were in our minds, but most of all we were just delighted to be able to enjoy another sunset in such a pretty place.

Camp is a postcard setting. I am not sure that ten year old girls take note of the setting, but it really is special. As the girls were dismissed from EP at 8:30 last night, the western mountains were highlighted by the setting sun. There were Giant billowing clouds that rose 20,000 feet in a sky of brilliant blue. Mist still hung to the mountains, residue of a short shower that passed nearby at rest hour. A small flock of Canadian Geese flew in as we walked, making a soft landing in the lake to settle in for the night. Brilliantly blinking yellow fireflies rose from luscious green grass and a light breeze rustled the needles of the towering pine trees in Tentalow Row.

Adults, when given time, will take note of such settings. Ten Year Olds… run with abandon and squeals of delight to be first in line for the Nilla Wafers. I am sure they notice (they talk about these memories when older), but right now they are just having fun!

Counselor talent show was a hit. Tonight we will have our big Birthday Ball (Margaret and I host all the girls who celebrate birthdays at camp). We make the Head Table a HUGE banquet style table and put each girl at a place that has been specially prepared for her. There are favors (of course) and there are decorations (of course) and a feast for the entire camp (of course). The Head Staff serve the girls (dressed up with white shirts and black aprons, they look the part) and the dinner ends with a giant birthday cake brought out to be shared by all. It is a great dinner and kicks off a great night of entertainment… the Camper Talent Show!

Girls have had “Mini Talent Shows” since Tuesday (we hold them every afternoon at the 5:10 free time). From these acts we form a variety show that will be a delight to all. Piano playing, singing, dancing, skits, and a few random acts that defy explanation will comprise a show that is performed in honor of the birthday girls. It is a fun night, the girls love it!

Thanks again for checking in, for supporting this camp, and appreciating the growth that occurs in it. Your girls are doing well and delighting us all… their happy faces and big smiles are in evidence all the time. I can only imagine that as they drift off to sleep their faces still have a smile of contentment, the residue of a day spent in a place that deeply delights.


PS Breakfast was Bagles with ham and cheese… yum. Dinner will be a blow out meal with pork tenderloin, ravioli, grilled veggies, tomato pie, and birthday cake.

THE JOKE: Three brothers (Ike, Pike, and Mustard) went on a date with three sisters. The dinner conversation was not going well, for the boys were awkward. Ike huddles up the brothers and tells them to follow his lead. Ike looks at his date and says “Pass the sugar… SUGAR.”. WOW, it really worked as his date leaned toward him and they started to talk quietly._Pike looks at his date and said: “Pass the Honey… HONEY!” WOW… success again!__Mustard looks at his date and said: Pass the Bacon… PIG!”