
Four Fold Growth… can it continue while at home?

Every Greystone Girl knows that IT CAN and IT SHOULD.

Social, Physical, Mental, and Spiritual growth happen every day. Of the four, I think the toughest area to grow in is Spiritual. It is unseen (Spirit is by definition invisible). It is not promoted by our culture (ours is a materialistic society). And it is against our nature (our sin pushes out the good). One of the comments we hear from both campers and counselors every year is that they find it hard to grow spiritually when they go home.

We have introduced really great new page on the website to help out… the Greystone Daily Devotion . The authors (there are currently 11 contributors) are hand picked Greystone folks who are blessed with the ability to concisely write wonderful devotions. All are based on Scripture (the first rule of a good devotion) and are short (the second rule for a good devotion). Just a couple minutes a day… and you are feeding and exercising your Spiritual muscles.

We think this is important. So important we have spent a great deal of time and treasure building this new webpage. We have tried to make it the very best in every way and that you will find it worth your time. It is our hope that this will become a treasured part of your day. Please WORK at it… It is worth the effort.

Thanks for Checking in!