Oh What a Beautiful Morning

The sun is shining, the birds are chirping, it is a perfect summer day in the North Carolina mountains and we are having a blast!

The rain never really hit us yesterday. The girls might disagree (it did rain several times, but never more than little squalls that quickly passed). Today, the sun rose and burned off the morning mist to reveal a beautiful “Carolina Blue” sky. Happy Day!

Cabin Lip Synch photos were “over the top” last night. I took about 1,800 photos but then had technical difficulties getting them uploaded, so if you have a girl in the Bungalows or Cabins and don’t mind sorting through a bunch of pictures… look back at yesterday’s photos and have at it.

This age camper thinks that the BEST lip synch act centers around dressing up wild then acting crazy… there is a great deal of laughing and dancing at a frantic pace without a lot of “theme” evident. The girls love it. After Main Camp (where almost all the campers are teenagers and their acts have a great deal more theme involved) the difference in how the younger ages approach “stage time” is striking!

My daughter, Virginia (13 years old and a Main Camper since thrid grade) yesterday described her experience at camp in this way: “Everyone is younger at camp”. I love that observation, for it hits on a truth that rings very true. None of us are as self conscious at camp as we are in the “real world”; even “too cool” teenagers find themselves dropping the act to simply be themselves. In this setting, we are freed from the pressures that make life hard and instead are placed in a little paradise and told to simply have fun. We find ourselves rolling down hills, splashing in puddles, catching fireflies, and dancing with absolute abandon at unexpected times. Thus is the magic of camp!

Tonight the counselors will “let loose” with their Talent Show. Mostly, the counselors simply get on stage and do silly skits and silly dances… and the girls go wild with each and every act. This night will prove to be a high point for the counselors (this will be their last talent show of the summer and they will make the most of the time) and it will be a favorite EP of the campers (who absolutely adore the counselors and hang on every little thing they do). It should be fun.

I hope to get into camp and take a few activity photos today, nothing is more fun than seeing the girls in their classes. They LOVE all the things that we do every day. This is a session an almost frantic pace due to the enthusiasm of the girls. They burn their candles brightly, collapsing into bed as soon as the EP is over. I love the fact that we end EP at 8:30 and are in bed at 9:00… at this point in the summer I need sleep almost as much as the girls! I love the way the girls do exactly what we ask them to do and do it with absolute enthusiasm.

Breakfast was pancakes, sausage links, and fruit. Best “Pig in a blanket” EVER! Lunch hamburgers and french fries. Dinner is Baked Potato Bar and Greek Salad.

Thank You for checking in,


THE JOKE: Quasimodo, the hunchback of Notre Dame, was going on a vacation and the church needed a fill in guy while he was gone. The Priest chose a strapping young man who looked very strong and fit enough to swing the giant bell. On his first day, the young man got the bell to swing and it slowly went back and forth and being impatient he looked back to soon and the Bell HIT HIM IN THE FACE. He flew over the edge of the bell tower and plummeted to a tragic death. As the crowd gathered around the body someone asked the name of the boy. A bystander replied “I don’t know his name, but HIS FACE SURE RINGS A BELL!”