Banquet Day!!!

For most of you this is the last camp blog of the summer. For some of you this is the last camp blog of your life. So I say “Thank You”.

  • Thank you for sharing your girls (I know that it is a big deal to send them off for three weeks).
  • Thank you for investing in camp (anything this expensive should be considered an investment, think of it as an investment in your daughters development and education).
  • Thank you for reading the blog (to make it onto your daily reading sources is an honor).
  • Thank you for allowing our camp to have a place in your family.

The August session is very sweet. The girls have a simple connection to camp that is remarkably strong. They continue to surprise us… they are not interested in DMC’s (Deep Meaningful Conversations- a major component of the longer sessions) but they LOVE camp and its traditions. Last night’s Closing Vespers was absolutely silent as each girl took in the beauty and significance of the moment. Thank you for sharing these wonderful girls with us. Each one is now a part of the Book that comprises our big Book of Greystone and we are proud of their role in this 94th chapter.

Camp had a big rain yesterday (local rainfall of 7 inches made the lake rise to flood stage!). The rain forced us to move inside for Council Fire awards but it stopped in time to do the Closing Vespers on the Pageant Court. This simple ceremony ties the summer together for the girls and gives them a simple image to take home. The lesson is clear: “Decide to be a light in this world.” Alone you make a difference, together we can change the world for the better. Choosing to make life better for others… unselfishness… this is the secret of Greystone.

We will still have classes today, but only during the morning as we use the afternoon to finish packing and have a big final assembly to return unmarked lost and found items.

Today we had our last Breakfast Club (I told the fable of the Frog and the Scorpion and encouraged the girls to “keep your eye upon the doughnut and not upon the hole”). These girls are so sweet, so kind so good… our heartfelt desire is that they will always choose the good things; that they will always shine like stars.

We had our last Morning Assembly (I gave the devotion from Luke 17:12-19, “the ten lepers”… a devotion on Thankfulness). We will have our last everything today. The feeling of time slipping away is seldom grasped by children this young but many will sense the minutes passing too quickly today. As we enjoy familiar camp routines for the last time, a feeling of joy fills our hearts. Joy for the past and for the future (they can’t wait to see you tomorrow).

The Bible reminds us that our days are like the “grass of the field”, quickly changing from vibrant green to dormant brown. No one knows how many days they will be given in this life so make the most of each and every minute. I think that camp days are some of the best days we will have in life; at least they have been that way for me. I am very thankful for each and every day I am given in this place and many campers and counselors feel the same way.

Tomorrow you will pick up your girls. Arrive early (most parents wiil arrive between 7:30 and 10:00). Wear rain boots or something you don’t mind getting wet… the soccer field is going to be wet! Medications will already be packed in your campers trunk or duffle (unless refrigerated). No need to pick up medicine from the Health Hut unless refrigerated. Equipment like nebulizer’s will also need to be picked up at the Health Hut. Nurses will be available to answer questions that you may have.

When you drive out of the gates of camp be prepared to talk! Let the girls fill your car with the stories of the summer. Let them tell you everything that is on their mind. It is a wonderful moment and will be a delight for you all.

Tonight we will celebrate the ending of camp with a GIANT BANQUET… an event that is amazingly difficult to pull off and a delight to the campers (who consider it to be the best EP of the summer). I can’t tell you about it because it is a top secret theme and any hints will ruin the surprise for the girls.

So this is good-bye. Thanks again… it has been a pleasure.