Water Sports Day

The last Saturday of Main Camp is Water Sports Day. We once again enter into a competitive spirit of good natured games and relays between the odds and evens. Challenge day was won by the Evens, thus giving them the winning Captain the dubious honor of keeping the “bear” (a mangie looking stuffed bear from the 60’s). It is not very intense today… mostly just a fun mornig of group activities with a water theme.

A rain shower hit near the end of the morning, but quickly blew over. The girls are having a blast and we are taking a TON of photographs. Spirits are high and nothing can dampen the fun.

We ate pizza for dinner last night, Gervais cooked 340 pizza pies, a monumental effort that was a hit with the campers. As we were clearing the tables and singing the camp songs, the excitement was palpable… Margaret and I looked at each other and said “Finish Line in Sight”!

The girls are riding a wave that will only grow and intensify as each day passes. At this point of the summer, our main concern is “keeping a lid” on the excitement. High spirits like this can lead to accidents! Fortuneately, the counselors are doing an amazing job and their diligent attention is soaked up by the campers during this last week of camp. There are some wonderful conversations that take place after a raucous dance party, or while walking to class. What a combination: it leads to a deeply complex emotional “stew” that we will all taste fully in the days to come.

The Water Show will be worth watching tonight. We will turn the live cam on around 7:30 (maybe earlier) and leave it on for the duration of the show. It is unlikely that you will get the full effect, because the pool is so big and so many girls are participating… but you will certainly be treated to a spectacle. Often we watch this show to the glory of a long sun set. The forecast calls for cloud cover (surprise) but only a 40% chance of rain. Maybe we will get lucky!

Breakfast today was “French” Day. Croissants, creps, berry confit, and hot chocolate. It was a huge hit (the croissants were hot out of the oven… yum). Lunch is lettuce wraps with a sweet ginger scalion sauce… obviously a new one! We will be serving shreded tilapia and chicken to go in the wraps. I think that this is going to be one of our favorite meals of the summer! Dinner is Chicken Piccata (also a new one). It is great to see Gervais working so hard to bring new and exciting twists to the already “over the top” meals that we serve.

Thanks for checking in. Enjoy your weekend.


A rich man is told by an Angel that he can have one wish granted before he goes to heaven the next night. After consideration, the man asks if he can take something with him to Heaven and the angel says OK. The man sells everything he owns and buys a big Gold Brick, putting it in a backpack and taking it to bed. When the angel arrives, the man grabs the backpack and heads to the pearly gates where St. Peter asks what is in the bag and is surprised to see the gold brick. With a look of amazement, St Peter exclaims “YOU BROUGHT PAVEMENT?”