Third Sunday

Sunday is a RAIN DAY for us again this week. I awoke at 6:00 to the sound of a heavy downpour, but thankful that it was not worse. The late news last night reported an 8 inch downpour in the town of Pickens SC! 8 inches!!! For the month of July we are have had about 12 inches at Greystone, a lot of rain but not as bad as it COULD be.

The rain stopped in time for the Stumblers, but I must admit that our turnout was not impressive. Maybe 250 campers dragged themselves out of bed to get their running shoes wet. A lot of people, but not as many as we are accustomed to hosting at this most popular of camp events. I think everyone is just ready for a restful day.

We will enjoy hanging out today. It should be very comfortable: both the climate and the community. Overcast skies with a light drizzle providing the perfect backdrop for quiet conversations or time with the journal.

One of the things we encourage in the counselors is journaling. We give each counselor a custom made devotional book (content provided by Heather Brown ). In this book there are daily devotions along with spaces for daily journal entries. Our suggestion to the counselors is to take notes at the Morning Assembly talks, to write down prayer requests (and when those requests were answered), and to write down moments of joy and fun as they occur. The result is a little booklet filled with substantial camp memories.

The sum of this experience is very hard to calculate… a journal helps a lot. I have noticed MANY counselors (and a few campers) doing this work and reaping the rewards. It inspires me to work at it in a more deliberate manner.

Things I am looking forward to enjoying today:

  • Honor Council Breakfast… Katie (my sister), Margaret, and I meet with the Honor Council for a little meeting time at White Hall. These girls represent the campers in a most impressive way. Real leaders and full of wonderful camp insights. It is always interesting and fun.
  • Church… YES, I LOVE CHURCH at camp. Tim’s sermons are amazing, I can’t wait to hear what he has planned for today (check it out tomorrow ).
  • Rain… might as well embrace it.
  • Concert… Bethany Dillon is returning to camp for our third concert night. She is amazing, the girls will be thrilled!

Thank you for reading and supporting our work. The days are full and the cumlative effects of all the effort are bearing fruit now. The next ten days are going to be amazing. The best ten days of the year… hands down!
