Suggestions... Confessions

I was so caught up in the “heart” of camp that I forgot to make a few mundane but important comments regarding pick up tomorrow.

Arrival Time… We suggest you arrive no later than 10:00 AM. If you are going to be arriving later than 10 please do let us know. Arrive no earlier than 7:00 AM (the earliest you can go to the cabin area).

What to Wear… We suggest rain boots. The walk from the soccer field to the cabin area will present mud hazards that will cause your jaw to drop! Check out the Softball field as you walk up the hill… imagine Derby Day… smile.

What to Expect when you open the trunk… WET STUFF. We have done our best to keep everything clean, but I am sure there are going to be some ruined clothes. Any items of clothing put in a laundry bag wet turn into ticking time bombs. Mold and Mildew are lurking and ready to pounce… wash everything quickly!

Remember to take lots of time to decompress from the camp bubble. The stories may come quickly or they may come slowly… but come they will!

Thanks again,
