Second Sunday

The Five Year Celebration was a big hit. It rained as we gathered, playing havoc with our photo shoot and line up routine. The gym was packed wall to wall and the campers were an ideal audience (sitting silently for the hour and twenty minute program). We cried, we laughed, and we celebrated these girls who are such an inspiration to this community. Senior’s in High School provide a powerful role model for these younger girls. In any other setting, the older girls would never treat a 10 year old as a peer, but here they really do. The sisterly love shown by the older girls is a tonic to the entire camp and on this night the whole camp held its breath to hear what they would say. I was very proud of them.

The live streaming worked very well and that success will allow us to do other live events this summer (water show, the plays)… such technology opens new doors and raises new questions. You will be a big part of this assessment process and we welcome any feedback you might have. At this point, it looks like a positive addition.

The decision to live stream was made in January. We added a high speed wireless system to connect the gym to our fiber network. This was not sufficiently robust, so we dug a fiber trunk over to the gym and the problem was solved. I am really glad that it worked.

I am realistic about the effect of all this rain. I am experiencing it too! The grass has hidden puddles everywhere, the mulch sinks up to our ankles, and there is absolutely no way to keep tennis shoes dry. Rain Boots and choco’s are the preferred footwear, but they also are prone to rubbing blisters… It is so rainy that we really don’t notice it any longer. Every day brings new challenges which we accept as the way life is… and the adjustment is not a big deal. The girls really do have smiles on their faces all the time. The big question now is how high the lake is going to rise?

Currently it has two feet going over the dam… that is high! If we get some big rains today we might see the record setting high water mark surpassed this year. That happened a long time ago (I think in the 80’s) when the lake rose to the height of the tennis courts. Canoeing on the tennis courts would be an exciting thing to do… we would certainly do a live stream of it!

Thanks again for sharing the girls. The week that is coming up is a big one, it represents the best of camp and will probably be my favorite week of the entire summer. It is a big week of music, movies, surprise events, quality conversations, cabin drama, and weather change (the first “normal July sunny days will be here soon). The morale of the camp is high, it is about to go through the roof! I can’t wait.

It is a blessing to be here, I hope you have a Blessed Day!
