Rainy Days and Mondays

Seventy Percent chance of rain today. Monday… a new week and a new month all happening at the same time. What does it all mean?

First the Rain… no big deal. In fact, this rain should provide the ingredients of a really fun day. The big stuff is hitting south of here (2 plus inches of rain projected in South Carolina), but we are only supposed to get around .1 inch. A light rain presents some wonderful opportunites to play.

Why are rain boots so popular? At camp, it might be for the wonderful fun that comes from splashing in puddles but not getting your feet wet. The delight of playing in the rain is not enjoyed in the “real world”. We live insulated lives. Weather does not impact our “real” lives except in the most extreme moments. This is a blessing with a flip side… we no longer notice the majesty of the world that surrounds us.

When was the last time you enjoyed a clear night sky? The last time you marveled at the stars and the moon or turned your eyes westward and just sat down in wonder at the play of light on the clouds at dusk. Do you notice a light breeze in the middle of the day or the passing shadow of a cloud in the middle of the afternoon? We notice all this and more… we notice it and we celebrate it. One of the gifts of camp is a very simple one: to be thankful for weather. Rain or shine we are going to have a great day!

Breakfast was a big hit: Ham/Cheese Bagles! Used to be a lunch item, but Gervais took offense at how easy it was to prepare… a “Nothing” meal (he said)… but the girls LOVE it (we said)… then I’ll do it for breakfast. Genius! Lunch is a new one: Chicken Salad (Southern Style Chicken Salad to put on bread or on lettuce). Dinner is poached salmon (a Gervais specialty) and Bread Pudding for dessert.

Tonight’s EP is a new one… “Dance till you drop”. Basically, we rope off the Pavilion and give the girls the challenge to dance nonstop for charity. The program starts at 7:30 with with the pavilion transformed into a “Dance Floor” complete with disco ball and bubble machine. We might even break out the snow machines!!! Everyone starts dancing and you have to dance nonstop for an hour… do it and you WIN a t-shirt and a $3 donation from camp to World Vision . Camp will then donate for “Ducks” (5 ducks cost $30… ducks provide large protein rich eggs and are very easy to keep). If the whole camp does it, we will donate over 300 ducks!!! Hurray!!!

Thank you for making camp so wonderful. Your support (with comments and by “liking” the blog) are a huge encouragement. No community is sweeter. Thank You.


THE JOKE: Two Converse Girls are sitting on Apple Hill late at night, looking at the moon. one asks the other, “what is closer, the moon or Florida??” the other replies, “are you serious, can you see Florida from here?!”