
Camp really is hard to describe, there are so many subtle moments that combine to make the experience transformative… to say that it is magic is about right.

It really doesn’t make sense that it is this much fun, this touching, this difficult while at the same time being this delightful. The blog “fleshes” out the magic, but it is really not up to the task of conveying the reality. Life is just different when it is experienced at camp. We unplug and we open up. The process is gradual; so gradual we often don’t even notice it is happening. We laugh at the silliest things; we delight in a short conversation, ignore rain drops and delight in an occasional patch of blue sky amongst the clouds. We twirl, skip, splash in puddles, walk arm in arm, and catch fire-flies at night. Here we celebrate simplicity. No electronics, lots of outside exercise, good food, good friends, and the loving support of Godly counselors who care deeply about every detail. This is life lived well… and the effect is amazing.

This gets to the point of today’s BIG EVENT: The Five Year Celebration . The campers honored today can officially be called “camp fanatics”. They have come to Greystone for Five years or longer (at least three of those years at Main Camp) and many of them can not imagine a summer spent elsewhere. The Senior campers (Campers who are entering their Senior Year of High School) will provide the most emotional moments of the evening. Many have thought of this night for years… carefully thinking of what they would say to convey to others why they love camp and return every year. It is a wonderful night and we hope to share it with you.

For the first time ever, we are going to be streaming the video of the 5 year ceremony live. If you are interested in watching, simply click here at 7:30 this evening. The program will start about 7:45 and last for about an hour. It is possible our server does not handle the volume very well… in which case you can regiser for an account at livestream which should fix any bandwidth issues (the link is on our page and there is no cost).

Thank you, Thank You, THANK YOU. Main camp is only possible because you “get it”. To make this sacrifice of time and treasure is not taken for granted. Most camps no longer offer a long session like this and their traditions suffer for the loss. You have supported this experience in every way. Thank You.

Have a wonderful day


The Joke: A Converse girl decided to take flying lessons so she went to the airport and discussed the possibility with an instructor. The pilot, in an attempt the convince her that this plan was not going to work allowed her to go for a test flight with him. Once they were at a safe altitude, the pilot asked her to fly straight and level: she did it. Make a 35 degree turn: she did it. Make a figure 8 around a fixed point: she did it. She did so well that he let her land the plane unassisted and was amazed to see her do so without an bit of help. He was so impressed, he offered her a test flight in a helicopter. They went up, higher and higher, and things were going great until she shut off the engine! The helicopter plummeted toward the ground and the pilot was just barely able to prevent a deadly crash. As they walked away, he asked her what she was thinking. She said “It was getting cold, so I turned off the fan!”