Another Opening Another Show

My father used to sing that famous line (at least it was famous in our family) from Cole Porter’s 1948 classic “Kiss Me Kate” every opening day. He would greet me on the steps to the dining hall with a great big smile and wide open arms and sing those words as he shuffled his feet as if on stage. He loved opening day.

It is always fun to welcome another group to Greystone… especially for August Camp. You see, at August Camp we are on top of our game… completely settled in our duties and confident in our abilities. The Program Staff knows how to greet and tag the bags (a scary thing until you get used to it), thee maintenance crew is used to the baggage handling routine, the cabin counselors used to running a cabin group smoothly and with confidence, and the Kitchen is used to making a vast number of scones in a short period of time. Lots of cogs in the wheels of openind day at camp, those cogs now work with efficiency and ease. It is fun.

I am proud of the team at Greystone. They have done a magnificent job this year and that translates into very high expectations for August Camp. We are SO GLAD you are here!

The day could not be more beautiful, and unlike almost every other day this summer: there is no rain expected! We will settle into our cabins, take tours of camp, sign up for classes, get checked out by the nurses, take a swim test, and have our cabin photo… all before lunch! Classes begin after a short assembly where the girls meet me (and my dogs), Laura, Kelly, Sarah, and all the Group Leaders. We are the “Head Staff”, but every counselor is equipped to take care of every and any need that arises. The girls will quiclky become confident in this new setting, laying the foundation for a wonderful summer.

We hope that this year will prove to be WONDERFUL in every way.

A couple hints for you…

  • Write often and write soon… hand written letters are golden and highly prized but you will need to write them this week for effect. Next week we are in closing mode and that energy deflects attention.
  • Check the blog daily… I write details that will enhance your letters and emails.
  • Emails are free so write lots… don’t pay for all those “additional” things. The letter is the thing the girls most want to get. Emails can be very up to date and current (including details like the joke I told at breakfast club and what we are eating).
  • Trust Us… we call you if there is anything going on with your camper that you should know about. This includes health issues and adjustment issues (homesickness). Should you want us to look into something, call or email your group leader (if you forgot her name, just call the office). We will get right back with you.
  • Pray… believing in the power of prayer, we ask that you pray for camp daily. God has blessed this camp for 94 years. There has never been a serious accident and the credit for this goes to the Lord. No fires, no earthquakes, no disasters of any description… this is not a consequence of man’s will but God’s. Prayer is used for good. Scripture tells us this is so and we claim it! In addition to prayers of general protection, pray specifically for your daughter.

This is going to be an AMAZING SHOW!
