And We're Off!

August Camp does indeed feel like a horse race. The girls move as one, running almost everywhere with huge smiles reflecting huge enthusiasm. They often don’t know where they are running (we have counselors spread out all the time, making sure the girls get to their intended class location; it is surprising how often a running girl doesn’t have a destination). We are having a blast!

The weather is glorious again today. The sun is shining and the temperatures are supposed to hit 80 degrees by lunch. This is perfect camp weather, the nicest of the year! We do not depend on nice weather for a great camp session, but it certainly helps! The counselors are particularly happy about the sunny weather, for we have been running camp in the midst of the most rainy summer ever (record rainfall for June and July have made us appreciate sun more than normal). Add in the perfect temperatures and you have a recipe for very high spirits.

Classes are in full swing and are going very well. Every program area did skits last night, providing the entertainment for our first EP (Evening Program). There is something magical about skits and camp… simple fun that brings smiles and builds community. Tonight’s EP will build on this foundation with Tentalow Lip Synchs. Every Tentalow will get on stage and do a simple little dance number to a song chosen by their counselor. The counselors all know this EP is a big deal, for it builds cabin unity and is a shining moment of glory for every girl. Performing under the bright lights in front of an audience of 600 screaming fans is quite an experience. Good times for all! Tomorrow the Bungalow and Cabin girls will perform their acts… it is a great way to kick off a great camp.

Breakfast featured our wonderful fried ham and apples with fresh baked biscuits and southern style grits. YUM. The fruit bar was hugely popular, almost every camper loaded their bowls with fresh pineapple, watermelon, blue berries, Greek yogurt, and house made granola. I did not expect to get much when I went through the line last (always a good idea to go last if you really want to know how the kitchen is doing). It was spectacular. The Prep Crew works very hard to stock the salad bar… this work is GREATLY appreciated by all. Five years ago we didn’t have a salad bar, now it is indispensible.

Lunch will be a camper favorite: Poppy Seed Chicken. This dish is sweet and savory and unique to Greystone. I have not eaten anything exactly like it anywhere else, and it is absolutely delicious. Dinner will be pork chops (fried Southern Style with a nice salty crust… yum).

Make sure you email your camper today (if you didn’t leave us a letter to deliver today). Letters and emails at Rest Hour are a tonic. Your girls probably don’t take afternoon naps any longer, you might think that they will not like rest hour at camp… but Rest Hour at camp is a glorious gift to all. The girls must lie quiet on their bunk and do quiet activities (and hopefully drift off to sleep). The entire camp is still, giving an hour of contemplation that is possibly one of the high points of the day. During this hour we read our mail, read our books, write our letters, and slow down.

When we slow down, we tend to think of home. When we think of home, we sometimes feel homesick. As this time occurs when we are encouraged to write home, you might well get a sad letter or two later in the week. DON“T WORRY! This is absolutely normal and a positive aspect of many camper’s growth experience at camp. My own children were homesick at camp, I have a wonderful collection of letters that testify to that phase of life… and those letters are cherished beyond words. They mark a moment of maturing that is poignant and very special.

We are very good at discerning “adjustment” issues. If a girl is adjusting well, there is no need to be concerned and we do not worry (writing a sad letter at a quiet moment is not a bad thing). If a girl is having trouble, we help her work through this feeling and will contact you for your input. Camp should be the best thing ever… we will not let anyone “slip through the cracks”. If you have a concern, do not hesitate to contact your Group Leader… we are here to serve!

Thanks for reading the blog. Thanks for sharing your girls.

Camp is Great!

Breakfast Club Joke: A Converse Girl (the Greystone version of the blonde joke) graduated from College and applied for a job in a fortune 500 company. She was given a job in their mail room, but after just one week was promoted to the Sales Department. In just one week, she was promoted to be the Regional Sales Manager! After just one month, she was again promoted… to Vice President of the entire company!!! The President of the Company called her into his office and said: “In just two months you have risen from the mail room to the highest position in this company apart from my own. What do you have to say for yourself?” The young woman smiled a big smile and said with a tear in her eye “Thanks Daddy”!!!