It’s “Throw Back Thursday.”… already?!! The girls were on pins and needles wondering what the Throwback Thursday Joke would be… the answer is at the bottom of the blog!

Summer days really do go by quickly, don’t they? Blink and they are gone. I have to admit that many days during the year zip by just as quickly but there is a difference to the days at camp from the days during the year. At camp there are always points of splendor that stay in my memory, shining like little candles in a dark room. In the off season, the routine is so predictable I find it hard to remember very many shining moments.

Yesterday’s memories include many such shinning moments for me:

  • The Thunderstorms (we had big, short, impressive storms during both Lunch and Free Period… raining while we ate and while we rested). At Lunch we enjoyed a longer song time as we cleared the Dinning Hall, learning some old songs that were very funny. The rain stopped just as we finished announcements… perfect! At Free Period (5:10) we mostly hung out in our cabins (nice time to play games or just talk) and the rain ended just in time for Flag. The Honor Council struggled to get the soaking wet flag down, literally pulling it down while we grinned and saluted… a nice moment (at least for me).
  • Squeeging the tennis courts. I helped the tennis counselors squeegie the courts at 3:00 to prepare for 3:50 classes and really enjoyed talking to Caroline and Logan, two really great counselors, while we worked. Reminded me of the old days!
  • Phones knocked out by the storm. Our Mitel system went down at lunch and was out for a couple of hours… still had internet, but the phones were fried. Our tech support guys were excellent and efficient, fixing everything as quickly as could be expected. We were fully operational by 5:00.
  • The Devotion by Tim Udouj given at morning assembly to the whole camp was fantastic. You can hear it too… the sound of the girls laughing and interacting with him will make you smile. His message (the first of the summer) will brighten your heart, I highly recommend you take 10 minutes and listen. Quality. Our theme this year is “This is the day the Lord has made, let us REJOICE and be GLAD in it.”. Tim’s introduction to this theme (which he will flesh out over the next 4 weeks) is surprising and right on point. I Loved it… was able to give an accurate synopsis of it 10 hours later. Tim has been coming to camp for 7 years but this is his first time at Main Camp (all other years have been at August Camp). He and his family are already beloved by the campers, you can listen to all of his devotions and Sermons by following the website.
  • The Cabin Lip Synch EP last night was amazing. The Tentalow program was so good I really did not expect that much from the cabins and bungalows. It usually works like this: if the Tentalows do an AMAZING job, the cabins and bungalows “feel the pressure” and they “choke”. They often over-reach and the acts just fall to connect… hard to explain but the cumulative effect leads to a less inspiring show. Still FUN. Still DELIGHTFUL. Still IMPRESSIVE… but lacking the magic. The Cabins and Bungalows had the magic last night: they knocked it out of the park. Every act was shockingly good, bringing gapes of amazement as I looked to Margaret who shrugged her shoulders and nodded vigorously to my wide eyes. Fantastic. The Emcees, “Christian Rap Stars”, brought the house down from the first moments of the show… also surprising (the “Lunch Ladies” from the previous night were hilarious… the same pressure thing applies to hosting an EP: it is hard to follow a home run).

Today we will enjoy another Great Day. I can’t wait!

Do take the time to write your campers. Emails are good (and free), but emails are no substitute for hand written letters. Include details of camp life that you know of from my blog, such details affirm the girls in their time at camp and show that you care about what is going on here. Also let them know of what is going on with your life (try to think of a shining moment in your day and share that moment with them). These letters will be cherished and read over and over. They are well worth the effort.

Breakfast was French Toast and Sausage. Home made bread (of course), Real Maple Syrup (of course), Real Good!!! Lunch Philly Cheese Steak Sandwiches (rib-eye sliced thin and fried with Monterey Jack cheese, onions, and peppers) YUM. Dinner We don’t know! This seldom happens, but the kitchen likes to sometimes go “off the cuff” for a meal… giving the cooks, prep staff, and Bakers full reign to cook something out of the vast pantry. Whimsical, yes. Like you do at home sometimes… I love it.


THE JOKE: An Atlanta mother is driving home during a dark and stormy night. She strikes an adorable little bunny rabbit and is distraught to find the bunny motionless by the side of the road. Another mother stops to help and pulls a spray can from her purse… she sprays the bunny and it revives! The bunny hops a few paces, turns and waves… this goes on until the bunny is in the bushes again. The now joyous mother grabs the can to see what it is and reads: “HAIR SPRAY, GUARANTEED TO REVIVE DEAD HAIR. ALSO ADDS PERMANENT WAVE.”