Play Day

Today is Play Day at camp!!!

All week long our counselors have been training for camp, we call it “Orientation”. Information is conveyed in a variety of ways that we try to make informative and inspirational… but we also know that there is only so much a body/mind can take. Today, we let the counselors put what they learned to the test.

We are doing camp today. Doing a regular day (from reveile up to taps). We sign up for and go to classes, dividing the staff into two groups, half playing the part of “camper” during the morning as the other half practice their teaching skills. In the afternoon, the groups swap. It is a fun day… we are having a blast! Took a few photos for you to see!

Allow me to give you some pointers for Monday…
*Arrive between 7:00 and 9:00 AM. You can, of course, come later but most choose to arrive early.
*No one can go to their cabin until 7:30 (thus, the “bunk run”)… we take your bags, but you have to wait.
*Plan on getting coffee and scones from the dining hall porch both are divine).
*Don’t Linger… camp fun starts quickly!
*Write a couple letters and leave them at the office for us to deliver on Tuesday and Wednesday… nothing makes a camper happier than getting mail.

Remember… no packages (including fruit). Camp is the gift, we make sure it is BETTER than expected. We provide apple cart in the morning, water melon table in the afternoon, and candy shop in the evening (and it is all free). We make sure that the gift of Greystone is a bit over the top!

We are very excited about welcoming you to Greystone. It’s going to be a GREAT DAY!
