
Today I want to share a couple comments I got in my emails yesterday. The “comment’s” section of the website has been modified to accept comments from anyone (not just registered users). The modifications “broke” the comments for the weekend… these two emails were really great and I did not want them lost in the “old news”, they made me happy so I will share them with you now. OH, and yes… the comments function is working again.

First from a long time friend of camp:

As soon as I read that Wes King was performing at camp tonight, I had to write. Last Sunday, I took on the task of cleaning out some boxes in the attic. I came across an article I had saved in my “Wedding Ideas” file…from 19 years ago. (Yes, I’m a bit of a packrat!) The article was about the wedding of Fran Harris and Wes King that took place at Camp Greystone in 1992. I thought it was a happy coincidence that I discovered the article while Elizabeth was at camp. Once I saw your blog post today, I knew God’s handprint was all over this “coincidence”. The Lord truly works in mysterious ways! I have no idea what He is trying to reveal to me in this “coincidence”, but I am taking it as a sign that Elizabeth is just where He wants her to be right now. And, I am eagerly anticipating His next happy coincidence!

I hope the concert tonight is wonderful and a blessing to all the girls. Please wish Fran and Wes an early Happy 21st Anniversary from me!

Have a great day!


Next from Heather Brown who wrote me from Colorado (where she is on vacation with her family):

Dear Jimboy,

I love that Wes King is coming to EP tonight! I remember the day when Margaret Foster and I made up the moves to “Life is Precious” (it was mostly Margaret). Do you remember how surprised the campers were when Wes King came? I remember how surprised HE was when all the campers started doing the motions to that song as he sang it.

Since we are talking about memorable EP’s, I have to remind you of the time we hid golden tickets in 5 Hershey chocolate bars and handed them out for movie night with Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. Then we took the golden ticket winners to McDonalds. That was the craziest day.

Not as crazy as when your brother flew that plane and dropped peanuts over camp. Wasn’t there a golden peanut? I STILL laugh about that 20 years later.


Breakfast was scrambled eggs and sausage with grits. Lunch is chicken alfredo and Dinner is pan fried Pork Chops with asparagus and baked apples.

The weather is lovely… overcast and warm (80 degrees) with a 50% chance of rain later in the afternoon. This whole week looks like it is going to be perfect for camp (warm with slight chance of rain). Last year June Camp was very hot, this year has presented pleasantly perfect temperatures. God is Good!


PS The Joke A chicken walks into a library one day, struts over to the librarian and says “Buk?” the librarian, a bit shocked says “You want a book?” The chicken nods his head and repeats, “Buk!” so the librarian gives the chicken a book, and the chicken leaves.

The chicken comes back the next day, returns the first book, and says “Buk Buk?” the librarian says “You want two books?” the chicken nods and the librarian places two new book under the chicken’s wings, and the chicken leaves again.

The next day the chicken returns, angrily throws down the two books and says “Buk! Buk! BUUUUUUUK!” and the librarian says “You want three books, two short and one long?” The chicken nods and the librarian hands him the books. This time, however, the librarian is dying of curiosity and decides to follow the chicken to see where he’s taking the books and what he is doing with them. the librarian sneaks out after the chicken when he leaves, and follows him all the way through town, holding two short books under one wing and the long one under the other. The chicken makes his way out of town, and into the woods and into the swamp.

Clearly exasperated, the chicken throws the books down on the ground and loudly announces “Buk! Buk! BUUUUUK!!!”. a frog hops out in front of the chicken, looks at the books, shrugs and says “Reddit! Reddit! Reddit!”