Main Camp

I was going to put up some of my favorite photos from Main Camp 2012 for this blog, so I opened that folder and started scrolling through from the beginning. Opening Day 2012 was June 25, a sunny day, a really fun day… full of good memories for me. Each picture made me smile! It was a great day. I added shots one by one and was surprised to see that I had so many from just one day! How could I do photos from the entire year?

So all the pictures today are from Opening Day last year… and I just picked a few of the best ones. I hope that they make you excited about Monday (they certainly had that effect on me). As we set our course for Opening Day I want to give you a few observations… observations that lead to questions:

  • June Camp was much better this year than last (and I thought it was a glorious session last year!). It was the best June Camp I have ever been a part of—- what does this mean for Main Camp?
  • Main Camp is busting at the seams with campers: 516, the most of any session. We didn’t start the Wait List early enough last year (June) so we started it earlier this year (May). In a camping world where most camps are struggling to find older campers (we have the oldest campers of any camp I know), we can barely squeeze the Senior girls into their “Castle”. What does it mean for Main Camp?
  • The No Visitor Policy proved to be a huge hit at June Camp. Our camp community was never healthier, happier, more well adjusted, or more settled. Parents have been very supportive, not a single negative review yet. What will the impact be on Main Camp?
  • The bread this year is amazing… sure it was always good, but Mallory (our new pastry chef) has tweaked the system for the better. You will be shocked! She even “fixed” Chocolate Stacks (as if they needed fixing). This traditional banquet desert was sublime this year… what is she going to do for Main Camp?
  • The facility is perfect… it has always been good, but it has really arrived at a new place this year. We worked very hard to fix a thousand little things this winter and you are going to notice the changes. Pay attention to the Staff Entrance when you drive in on Monday (the newly renovated DC 5 is darling), to the grass under your feet as you pass between Ring 1 and the Tennis Courts (it is dry now, a system of drains now keeps it from getting muddy). Notice the new Water Park dock, picnic tables, ladder, and patio area (also avoids mud on the toes). The canoes (refurbished and lovely to see on the lake). The new white Adirondak chairs (repaired, repainted, perfect). The new rail and bench seating in the Pavilion. The list goes on and on… nobody appreciate improvements to “home” like Main Campers notice… what are you going to love the most?
  • Evening Programs at June Camp were delightful and very fresh… we have been preparing special surprises for you all winter long and we wonder: how great is it going to be? What are you going to love the most?
  • Program Staff this year have significantly improved the camper experience. Never have we had as cohesive a group. They are always adding to the camp experience, I can’t wait for our first assembly… the Program Staff started a new tradition at June Camp that brought tears to my eyes. What will you think?

The list goes on… my questions will be answered soon. Main Camp is here… Let the show begin!

Drive Safely Girls!


PS Looking for a GREAT food experience? Go to Hubba Hubba my favorite BBQ restaurant EVER. Not only the best traditional BBQ, but also smoked fish and some Asian Fusion bowls to die for. Open every day but Sunday (like Chic-Fil-A). Highly Recommend! In town today, let’s turn it into a Greystone Joint!