June Opening Day is TOMORROW!

We are ready!

Just a few words, then come on.


  • Get lots of sleep, go to bed early because tomorrow is a big day.
  • Meet some new friends at the hotels (they are full of other camp families)


  • Arrive between 7:00 and 9:00 AM if possible
    We open the camp at 7:30, that is when you can go to your cabin
  • SMILE a lot… this makes it easier for you to meet new friends
  • Eat a scone or two (we serve on the dining hall porch, they are amazing)
  • Have fun… it is normal to feel nervous, but it doesn’t last long!

We pray for God’s Blessings on your family as you travel and adjust to life apart, for the safety of the campers and counselors, and for good weather (it might be raining tomorrow morning according to the forecast so you might want to wear a rain jacket or carry an umbrella).

Thank you for your support, this is going to be a GREAT DAY!
