
This one’s for the parents, grand parents, brothers, sisters, boyfriends, bffs, neighbors, school chums, old camp friends, boyfriend “wannabes”, and anyone else who is wanting to communicate with a camper while at camp.

If you are type A and don’t have time for the rest of the words here is the short point: Write Letters. By letters I mean a simple regular sheet of paper put into a regular envelope… nothing else! If you send anything that is non standard, send it in care of Laura Hollowell (who will open the package and confirm that it is appropriate, any questions just call or email). Don’t include magazines, chewing gum, blades of grass from home, or whatever seems like a good idea at the time. Simple paper with words written on them is PERFECT.

You think to yourself: why is Jimboy spending his Rest Hour typing this? Isn’t that obvious?

The fact is we get a LOT of “packages” sent to girls… a package is something that has other things included in the envelope other than just a letter. We can smell the chewing gum as soon as we open the mail bag every day! It is very sad for us to return this mail to sender… it only hurts your feelings. Just don’t do it! Maybe if I do a blog it will help…

Other Hints:

  • Don’t send fruit… we serve apples in the morning and watermelon in the afternoon as snacks. We serve three well balanced and home made meals a day. We even allow the girls to get a treat from the shop once a day. All of this is free… all of it enhances the camp experience in subtle ways. Extra fruit is just not appreciated (we eat it ALL THE TIME).
  • Don’t buy all that “stuff” that goes onto the emails… just my opinion.
  • Send emails, but also send letters. Letters mean something to the girls, emails are not that big of a deal.

That’s it. I have nothing left, and if I wrap it up I can still squeeze in a nice nap.


A JOKE: Ike, Pike, and Mustard are working at constructing a sky scraper. during their lunch break they’re sitting on top of the building, and they open their lunches. Ike says, “pizza again for lunch?! i hate pizza!! if i have pizza again tomorrow, i’ll jump off this building and kill myself!!” Pike says, “burrito for lunch?! i hate burritos!! if i have another burrito for lunch tomorrow, i’ll jump off this building and kill myself!!” the Mustard says, “a pb&j sandwich for lunch again!? if i have another pb&j tomorrow, i’ll jump off this building and kill myself!!” the next day the Ike has pizza, so he jumps off, and dies. Pike has a burrito, so he jumps off, and dies. Mustard has a pb&j, so he jumps off, and dies. At the funeral, the wives of Ike and Pike are crying. “if only i had known he hated pizza, i would have given him something else, and he would have still been alive!!” says Ike’s wife. Pike’s wife responds, “i know, if only i had known that he hated burritos, i would have given him something else, and he would have still been alive!!” they both look at Mustard’s wife, who’s not crying. “what are you looking at me for?? He alwyas packs his own lunch!!”