Good Times

Last nights EP was spectacular.

It was introduced at lunch with a little dramatic skit the Head Staff sprung on the girls in the middle of the meal. I ran into the Dining Hall and grabbed the microphone to inform the girls that a “treasure” had been stolen from my office! I suggested that it was likely that one of the “Big Wigs” in camp had taken it and asked that they help me solve the case. We left “clues” at each table (the mug shots you see on our instagram picture of the day) and requested that the girls come to dinner dressed in cabin colors (uniforms that they would choose for themselves).

The excitement for this program grew through the afternoon and as the clouds departed and the sun shined brightly, our spirits soared. Dinner was VERY LOUD!!! To solve the clues the cabin groups would run to ten different stations around camp where they would be given a challenge and upon successful completion of the challenge a clue. We gathered in the pavilion and had a big ending skit with all the head staff on stage, only to discover that Me-Me was the culprit! She had moved the box of “treasure” and in celebration of that wonderful relief I gave the treasure away! Each girl got a really cool T Shirt and the evening was over.

The pictures of the evening are well worth a little slideshow… it was stunning. The sunset filled the camp with a glorious golden light that made every camper look like an angel. It was so beautiful (seeing the girls running, skipping, and jumping from one end of camp to the other with huge smiles in that light… camera’s simply don’t do it justice) it gave me chills.

Anyhow; it was a fun night. We went to bed grubby and giddy!

Today is going to be warm (upper 80’s), sunny (only 20% chance of scattered showers), and full of quality moments. Remember, this is the “middle” week and the middle week is densely packed with glorious moments of growth and fun.

I hope to head up to Riflery today. Interesting point with riflery… we couldn’t get ammunition for the program this year! In 90 years of camping this has NEVER happened. We use about 75,000 rounds of .22 ammunition every summer, and though this is a lot of ammo it has never been difficult to find (we just go to Walmart and pick it up). This year Walmart told us that they do not have ANY .22 ammo. A quick internet search made it clear that we had a problem.

We shoot Olympic grade Anschutz rifles in this very popular program. The girls become excellent marksmen (far better than most boys, by the way…) and the sound of small caliber shooting has always been part of the background noise of camp. Not any longer! WHAT TO DO!! THIS IS A CATASTROPHE!!!

We decided to research the best alternative we could fine. We quickly were told that we should check out the world of air rifles and boy was I amazed. A suitable gun would cost a lot of money, but we could find alternatives just as accurate as the .22 rifles we were accustomed to shooting (guns that are capable hit the center of the bullseye 5 out of 5 times from 50 feet… every time).

These are not “Daisy” pump BB guns, but major examples of high tech design meeting old world craftsmanship. German made, Olympic grade, over the top rifles… top of the line sights, fully adjustable triggers, customized for our particular needs: these are amazingly accurate air rifles and they are shockingly good guns. The girls love them, the counselors love them, and I love them too (much more quiet around camp, for they shoot compressed air and are almost silent). Another example of good things coming from every adjustment that we are forced to make in the circumstances of life. We will enjoy using these as our standard rifle long after .22 Ammo is available again.

Breakfast was ham and cheese bagels (this used to be a favorite lunch item, but Gervais felt it was “a nothing meal” for it was so simple to make… so we trot it out at breakfast every now and then). Lunch is a new one for us: Shaved Smoked Pork Sandwiches. Kind of a Cuban twist, served with roasted potatoes and a big salad. Dinner is Roasted Chicken, served with rice and fresh steamed green beans.

Thank you for checking in.


PS Regarding Photographs… yesterday we uploaded about 2,500 photos, and this is probably a little frustrating for some of you. I get it… and I am sorry… the fact is that we have to choose to either “label” each picture with cabin numbers so you can quickly search the library OR upload lots of photos. Labeling is slow, prone to mistakes, and limits us to about 300 photos a day. We prefer lots of photos, it is the lesser of the evils! I have found it entertaining to put each gallery on a 1 second slide show… this would translate into 2,500 seconds (41 minutes) in yesterday’s example. A quicker way is to scan 48 images per page… only zooming in on the photos of interest. With this technique I can hit about 4 pages a minutes (240 pictures, or about 10 minutes in yesterday’s example). Flag all shots that look interesting my clicking the star (favorites) button, but not opening the picture, and you will quickly hit them all (you later delete the photo’s that you don’t like). I hope this helps.

PPS THE JOKE An American man is talking to a new friend from Great Brittain. He is trying to follow the conversation but as you know, the “Kings English” is just a little different that we Yanks use. As the conversation is ending the Englishman says that he has to go and ends with a wave and says “Cherio”… the American is a bit flustered and as he waves back he says “And a Rice Crispy to you!”.