For The Campers

Yesterday my audience was Parents… those “fanatics” who still checked the blog despite the fact that they were on the road to pick up their campers today.

Today my audience is Campers… two groups of campers that are very special to all of us at Greystone. First are the girls who are leaving camp as I type this blog. You will probably not read this until late at night, once things settle down and you are once again connecting with your online world. You will click on the Greystone website to look at the pictures and some of you will decide to read what I wrote. This one’s for you. I also am writing the Main Campers who are perhaps the biggest fans of every word written on this website. This one’s for you!

The flavor of each summer’s experience is distinct… all are good, all are different. This summer is special. Our Program Staff has impacted the camper experience in a profound way (always great, this years Program Staff is sweet and caring and very engaged in every detail of camp life… they are amazing this year). The Cabin Staff is SHOCKINGLY GOOD (so good, it is very hard to decide who to put in the Main cabins… we have a HUGE group of excellent cabin eligible counselors, many of whom are on Program Staff). The facility is virtually perfect (this is a bold statement but true… the list of repairs and improvements for next year is very short). The presence of the Lord is evident… this is always true, but we have made Spiritual Growth a major focus for our staff this year and the effect of these efforts is clear.

I am grateful for how well things are going. June Camp was like a dream… one amazing day followed by a surprising moment, only to be repeated again and again. Such days are not to be expected: they might be the norm, but not the every day experience. God gave us a perfectly amazing session, and if June Camp was this good what is Main Camp going to be like?

Main Camp is the big show. The session we dream of during the cold winter months. The session that drives our experience of what camp can be. All other sessions are a reflection of Main Camp, shining brighter the more they mimic what happens during those magical 5 weeks. It is the most intense experience I have ever seen… life changing and foundational to the character of countless individuals who have spent their summers here. Main Camp lights a fire in my heart, I am already basking in the warmth. You Main campers who are reading this today… YOU are the wind beneath our wings! WE CAN“T WAIT TO WELCOME YOU HOME!!!

Banquet last night was fantastic, probably the best June Banquet in history. So much laughter, fun, and joy. A real celebration. Enjoy the pictures, I got some good ones!

Thank you my precious June Campers. We miss you already and pray that you will cherish the memories that we share from this year. Have a wonderful summer, we hope to see you next year.

Much Love!
