We have a tradition at Greystone… a tradition started about 20 years ago. The first Saturday of June and August camp are always carnival day. Every camper looks forward to carnival, it is a great way of feeling a sense of accomplishment after the first week of camp.

We have a huge Carnival infrastructure… Underground power outlets at strategic points allow us to have inflatable slides and games all over the Softball and Golf fields. We have funnel cake fryers, a genuine Hawaii Shave Ice machine, Old Fashioned Popcorn trolley, two huge Cotton Candy machines, etc. etc. The set up takes about 3 hours and involves most of the Program Staff. As we get ready, the campers get more and more excited about the fun.

Challenge Day “harnesses” this excitement with good-natured team competition throughout the day. We go to our regular classes but have little competitions within each of the classes between the Odds and the Evens. At this moment there are cheers and screams of delight coming from various spots around the camp. Me-Me (my Golden Doodle) keeps sitting up with alert ears and inquisitive eyes, wondering what is going on! Today will be a high point ending of a great first week at camp. The confidence in the eyes of the campers (and counselors) is an inspiration.

Now for some straight talk…

Some of you are homesick for your daughter… all of you miss your girls, but some are really having a hard time with it. I know this by the requests that we are getting from the photographs. I will list a few of the comments with a brief response:

  • She isn’t smiling I really value the contemplative, serious, concentration, intense photograph. My big lens (a 400MM Nikon 2.8 N series ED Professional Monster) is great at getting close shots when the girls are engaged in their class and not paying attention to me. These are true candids and I love them! Many of our staff photographers feel the same way and we like to capture such moments as reflective of the complex reality of life. It does not mean your child is sad!
  • She has a rash This is a funny one. We mark the girls hands when they get a treat (so they don’t overdo it). Tonight the hands will have lots of marks because of lots of treats! It might look like a rash from a distance, but it is not.
  • She is alone Similar to “she isn’t smiling”… it is normal for a camper to be alone at points in the day, and those moments often present really great photographic opportunities.
  • She isn’t in many pictures Some girls hide from the camera. My youngest daughter is one of those… she has made it a point of pride that she does not get in many pictures. Our family might have overdone the photograph thing with her (as she is the youngest and is so cute)… but she takes the opportunity when at camp to quite literally hide from the camera. Write your daughter and ask her to get her picture taken at least a couple times a day… we are always out there snapping away!

We love taking lots of pictures for you. We would give them to you for free if we could (that option is not offered by our email and photo software provider). I buy the very best equipment in an effort to exceed your expectations… and we know it is a bit overwhelming. It is our hope that the photographs will become important in your daily routine: taking some time to browse all the photos or let them run in a slideshow on your computer. All the photos give a glimpse into camp life that is different than the blog and your camper letters. They all combine to give you an appreciation of this experience. An experience where your precious child takes her first steps toward independence.

I hope that this is helpful… for I know that many of you might be feeling a bit “child sick” this weekend. We are taking good care of your girls and will call if there is anything going on.

At the same time, we are here to serve you and answer any concerns that you might have.

Balance and perspective… all part of the camp experience!

Go Green and Go Gold!


PS THE JOKE A young man was dating a girl named Loraine. As time went on he found himself liking Lorane’s friend Clearly… awkward. He couldn’t figure out how to break up and not ruin his chances with Clearly. One day, Loraine was walking along the river and fell in, a tragic accident. The boy was so sad… but then he thought (in song) “I can see Clearly now Loraine is gone…”