Wednesday at Junior Camp 2013

What a fun night we had last night at our Dance Party!! As you can see from the pictures, the girls had the opportunity to dress up for a dance party in the Pavilion…we did line dances and trains, but most of all we just laughed and had fun together. To calm down for bed time, we then learned and sang some wonderful camp slow songs. After a full day of activities, the girls were ready for bed and the whole camp was quiet by 9:30 PM!

Camp is beautiful in the morning…the lake is still, and at this time of the year, we have many goose families swimming around. There is nothing more beautiful than camp in the morning!! Junior camp weather continues to be absoutely beautiful! The girls were refreshed and ready to go by breakfast. We had homemade french toast (made with camp baked bread), sausage patties, fruit bar, cereal, hard boiled eggs, and steel cut oatmeal to eat.

The girls went to assembly shortly after breakfast, where they sang songs and had their morning devotion with my mother, Libby. She absoutly loves teaching Bible at camp! The girls love her and her dogs Honey and Monty. Activities this morning went well, and lunch was a delicious salad bar, Poppy Seed Chicken, brown rice, sugar snap peas, fresh baked bread (warm from the oven) and oreo pudding for dessert.

I hear the girls out and about as I write this update…screams of laughter, clapping from cheerleading, and a breeze in the leaves of the trees outside my office. We are SO thankful for such a GREAT Junior camp session. It is hard to believe that Junior camp is halfway over….the girls are happy, and we are having a LOT of FUN! it will be hard to see it end!!

Have a great day, Katie